主机 IP地址(对外服务) IP地址(内部通信) 实例名 操作系统
dmrac1 rac0 Redhat 6.7 dmrac2 rac1 Redhat 6.7
/dev/sdb1 /dev/raw/raw1 dcr disk 2G /dev/sdb2 /dev/raw/raw2 voting disk 2G /dev/sdb3 /dev/raw/raw3 data disk1 2G /dev/sdb4 /dev/raw/raw4 data disk2 2G /dev/sdb1 /dev/raw/raw5 data disk3 2G /dev/sdb2 /dev/raw/raw6 data disk4 2G /dev/sdb3 /dev/raw/raw7 log disk1 2G /dev/sdb4 /dev/raw/raw8 log disk2 2G /dev/sdb1 /dev/raw/raw9 log disk3 2G /dev/sdb2 /dev/raw/raw10 log disk4 2G /dev/sdb3 /dev/raw/raw11 log disk5 2G /dev/sdb4 /dev/raw/raw12 log disk6 2G
[root@cs ~]# service iptables stop iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat mangle filter [ OK ] iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ] iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ] [root@cs ~]# chkconfig iptables off [root@cs ~]# setenforce 0 [root@cs ~]# sed -i s:^SELINUX=.*$:SELINUX=disabled:g /etc/selinux/config [root@cs ~]# service iptables stop iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat mangle filter [ OK ] iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ] iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ] [root@cs ~]# chkconfig iptables off [root@cs ~]# setenforce 0 [root@cs ~]# sed -i s:^SELINUX=.*$:SELINUX=disabled:g /etc/selinux/config
[root@cs ~]# hostname dm1 [root@cs ~]# sed -i s:^HOSTNAME=.*$:HOSTNAME=dm1:g /etc/sysconfig/network [root@cs ~]# hostname dm2 [root@cs ~]# sed -i s:^HOSTNAME=.*$:HOSTNAME=dm2:g /etc/sysconfig/network 3、修改hosts文件 [root@cs ~]# echo " > dm1 > dm2" >> /etc/hosts [root@cs ~]# [root@cs ~]# echo " > dm1 > dm2" >> /etc/hosts [root@cs ~]#
三、 安装达梦软件
Oracle Linux 7.1中安装达梦数据库DM7
[root@dm1 rules.d]# vi 99-dm-devices.rules ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw2 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw3 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw4 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw5 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw6 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw7 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw8 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw9 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw10 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw11 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw12 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="raw[1-12]", OWNER="dmdba", GROUP="dinstall", MODE="660" [root@dm1 rules.d]# start_udev Starting udev: [ OK ] [root@dm1 rules.d]# ls -lrt /dev/raw/ total 0 crw-rw---- 1 root disk 162, 0 May 7 16:28 rawctl crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 9 May 7 16:28 raw9 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 12 May 7 16:28 raw12 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 11 May 7 16:28 raw11 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 10 May 7 16:28 raw10 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 6 May 7 16:28 raw6 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 1 May 7 16:28 raw1 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 7 May 7 16:28 raw7 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 8 May 7 16:28 raw8 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 5 May 7 16:28 raw5 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 2 May 7 16:28 raw2 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 3 May 7 16:28 raw3 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 4 May 7 16:28 raw4 [root@dm2 /]# cd /etc/udev/rules.d/ [root@dm2 rules.d]# vi 99-dm-devices.rules ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw2 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw3 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdb4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw4 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw5 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw6 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw7 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdc4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw8 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd1", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw9 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd2", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw10 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd3", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw11 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sdd4", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw12 %N" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="raw[1-12]", OWNER="dmdba", GROUP="dinstall", MODE="660" [root@dm2 rules.d]# start_udev Starting udev: [ OK ] [root@dm2 rules.d]# ls -lrt /dev/raw/ total 0 crw-rw---- 1 root disk 162, 0 May 7 16:28 rawctl crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 9 May 7 16:28 raw9 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 12 May 7 16:28 raw12 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 11 May 7 16:28 raw11 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 10 May 7 16:28 raw10 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 6 May 7 16:28 raw6 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 1 May 7 16:28 raw1 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 7 May 7 16:28 raw7 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 8 May 7 16:28 raw8 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 5 May 7 16:28 raw5 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 2 May 7 16:28 raw2 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 3 May 7 16:28 raw3 crw-rw---- 1 dmdba dinstall 162, 4 May 7 16:28 raw4
可以通过blockdev --getsize64 /dev/raw/raw1命令查看裸设备大小
[root@dm1 rules.d]# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/raw/raw1 2154991104 [root@dm2 ~]# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/raw/raw1 2154991104
[dmdba@dm1 dm7]$ mkdir data [dmdba@dm1 dm7]$ cd data [dmdba@dm1 data]$ vi dmdcr_cfg.ini DCR_N_GRP = 2 DCR_VTD_PATH = /dev/raw/raw2 DCR_OGUID = 63635 [GRP] DCR_GRP_TYPE = CSS DCR_GRP_NAME = GRP_CSS DCR_GRP_N_EP = 2 DCR_GRP_DSKCHK_CNT = 60 [GRP_CSS] DCR_EP_NAME = CSS0 DCR_EP_HOST = DCR_EP_PORT = 9541 [GRP_CSS] DCR_EP_NAME = CSS1 DCR_EP_HOST = DCR_EP_PORT = 9542 [GRP] DCR_GRP_TYPE = DB DCR_GRP_NAME = GRP_RAC DCR_GRP_N_EP = 2 DCR_GRP_DSKCHK_CNT = 60 [GRP_RAC] DCR_EP_NAME = RAC0 DCR_EP_SEQNO = 0 DCR_EP_PORT = 5236 DCR_CHECK_PORT = 9741 [GRP_RAC] DCR_EP_NAME = RAC1 DCR_EP_SEQNO = 1 DCR_EP_PORT = 5236 DCR_CHECK_PORT = 9742 [dmdba@dm2 dm7]$ mkdir data [dmdba@dm2 dm7]$ cd data [dmdba@dm2 data]$ vi dmdcr_cfg.ini DCR_N_GRP = 2 DCR_VTD_PATH = /dev/raw/raw2 DCR_OGUID = 63635 [GRP] DCR_GRP_TYPE = CSS DCR_GRP_NAME = GRP_CSS DCR_GRP_N_EP = 2 DCR_GRP_DSKCHK_CNT = 60 [GRP_CSS] DCR_EP_NAME = CSS0 DCR_EP_HOST = DCR_EP_PORT = 9541 [GRP_CSS] DCR_EP_NAME = CSS1 DCR_EP_HOST = DCR_EP_PORT = 9542 [GRP] DCR_GRP_TYPE = DB DCR_GRP_NAME = GRP_RAC DCR_GRP_N_EP = 2 DCR_GRP_DSKCHK_CNT = 60 [GRP_RAC] DCR_EP_NAME = RAC0 DCR_EP_SEQNO = 0 DCR_EP_PORT = 5236 DCR_CHECK_PORT = 9741 [GRP_RAC] DCR_EP_NAME = RAC1 DCR_EP_SEQNO = 1 DCR_EP_PORT = 5236 DCR_CHECK_PORT = 9742
七、使用 DMASMCMD 工具初始化(任意一节点执行)
[dmdba@dm1 ~]$ dmasmcmd DMASMCMD V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT ASM>create dcrdisk '/dev/raw/raw1' 'dcr' the ASM initialize dcrdisk /dev/raw/raw1 to name DMASMdcr Used time: 1.459(ms). ASM>create votedisk '/dev/raw/raw2' 'vote' the ASM initialize votedisk /dev/raw/raw2 to name DMASMvote Used time: 1.380(ms). ASM>init dcrdisk '/dev/raw/raw1' from '/dm7/data/dmdcr_cfg.ini' syntax error asmcmd parse failed! ASM>init dcrdisk '/dev/raw/raw1' from '/dm7/data/dmdcr_cfg.ini' identified by 'dameng123' [Trace]DG 126 allocate 4 extents for file 0xfe000002. Check dcr disk failed, please check and try again Used time: 271.543(ms). ASM>init dcrdisk '/dev/raw/raw1' from '/dm7/data/dmdcr_cfg.ini' identified by 'dameng123' [Trace]DG 126 allocate 4 extents for file 0xfe000002. Used time: 68.745(ms). ASM>init votedisk '/dev/raw/raw2' from '/dm7/data/dmdcr_cfg.ini' [Trace]DG 125 allocate 4 extents for file 0xfd000002. Used time: 33.488(ms).
system_path = /dm7/data db_name=rac main = /dev/raw/raw3 main_size = 128 roll = /dev/raw/raw4 roll_size = 128 system = /dev/raw/raw5 system_size = 128 ctl_path = /dev/raw/raw6 ctl_size = 8 dcr_path=/dev/raw/raw1 dcr_seqno=0 [rac0] config_path=/dm7/data/rac0_config port_num = 5236 mal_host = mal_port = 9340 log_size = 256 log_path = /dev/raw/raw7 log_path = /dev/raw/raw8 [rac1] config_path=/dm7/data/rac1_config port_num = 5236 mal_host = mal_port = 9341 log_size = 256 log_path = /dev/raw/raw9 log_path = /dev/raw/raw10
九、准备dmdcr.ini 配置文件
dmdcr.ini 是 dmcss、dmasmsvr、dmasmtool 工具的输入参数。记录了当前节点序列号以及 DCR 磁盘路径。在2个节点的/dm/dmdbms/data目录下创建dmdcr.ini 配置文件,dmdcr_path 相同,dmasvrmal.ini 文件内容也相同,dmdcr_seqo 分别为 0 和 1。
节点 1:
[dmdba@dmrac1 data]$ vi dmdcr.ini DMDCR_PATH = /dev/raw/raw1 DMDCR_SEQNO = 0 #ASM DMDCR_ASM_RESTART_INTERVAL = 0 DMDCR_ASM_STARTUP_CMD = /dm7/bin/dmasmsvr dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini #DB DMDCR_DB_RESTART_INTERVAL = 0 DMDCR_DB_STARTUP_CMD = /dm7/bin/dmserver path=/dm7/data/rac0_config/dm.ini dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini
[dmdba@dmrac2 data]$ vi dmdcr.ini DMDCR_PATH = /dev/raw/raw1 DMDCR_SEQNO = 1 #ASM DMDCR_ASM_RESTART_INTERVAL = 0 DMDCR_ASM_STARTUP_CMD = /dm7/bin/dmasmsvr dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini #DB DMDCR_DB_RESTART_INTERVAL = 0 DMDCR_DB_STARTUP_CMD = /dm7/bin/dmserver path=/dm7/data/rac1_config/dm.ini dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini
十、启动DMCSS 服务程序
1、注册 DMCSS服务
[root@dm1 ~]# /dm7/script/root/ -t dmcss -i /dm7/data/dmdcr.ini -p rac1 Move the service script file(/dm7/bin/DmCSSServicerac1 to /etc/rc.d/init.d/DmCSSServicerac1) Finished to create the service (DmCSSServicerac1)
[root@dm2 ~]# /dm7/script/root/ -t dmcss -i /dm7/data/dmdcr.ini -p rac2 Move the service script file(/dm7/bin/DmCSSServicerac2 to /etc/rc.d/init.d/DmCSSServicerac2) Finished to create the service (DmCSSServicerac2)
2、启动DMCSS 服务
[root@dm1 ~]# service DmCSSServicerac1 start Starting DmCSSServicerac1: [ OK ]
[root@dm2 ~]# service DmCSSServicerac2 start Starting DmCSSServicerac2: [ OK ]
在任意节点启动 dminit 工具初始化数据库。dminit 执行完成后,会在 config_path 目录(/dm7/data/rac0_config 和/dm7/data/rac1_config)下生成配置文件 dm.ini 和 dmmal.ini。
[dmdba@dm1 data]$ dminit control=/dm7/data/dminit.ini initdb V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT db version: 0x7000a file dm.key not found, use default license! License will expire in 14 day(s) on 2020-05-21 log file path: /dev/raw/raw7 log file path: /dev/raw/raw8 log file path: /dev/raw/raw9 log file path: /dev/raw/raw10 FILE "/dev/raw/raw5" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw4" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw3" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw6" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw7" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw8" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw9" has already existed FILE "/dev/raw/raw10" has already existed File "/dev/raw/raw5" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw4" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw3" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw6" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw7" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw8" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw9" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y File "/dev/raw/raw10" has already existed, whether overwrite(y/n, 1/0): y write to dir [/dm7/data/rac]. create dm database success. 2020-05-07 16:41:52
[dmdba@dm1 data]$ scp -r rac1_config`pwd` The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 89:fc:3e:e3:2d:27:94:07:0e:6b:fc:c5:e8:89:44:1f. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. dmdba@'s password: sqllog.ini 100% 479 0.5KB/s 00:00 dm.ini 100% 40KB 39.8KB/s 00:00 dmmal.ini 100% 204 0.2KB/s 00:00 [dmdba@dm1 data]$
Starting DmServicerac2: [ FAILED ] file dm.key not found, use default license! Read ini warning, default dm.ctl backup path [/dm7/data/rac/ctl_bak] does not exist. Read ini error, name:SYSTEM_PATH, value:/dm7/data/rac dmserver startup failed, code = -803 [Invalid ini config value]
[dmdba@dm1 data]$ scp -r rac`pwd` dmdba@'s password: dm_20200507164149_942994.ctl 100% 6144 6.0KB/s 00:00 TEMP0.DBF 100% 10MB 10.0MB/s 00:00 dm_service.prikey 100% 633 0.6KB/s 00:00
1、在2个节点分别注册DM 数据库服务:
[root@dm1 ~]# /dm7/script/root/ -t dmserver -i /dm7/data/rac0_config/dm.ini -d /dm7/data/dmdcr.ini -p rac1 Move the service script file(/dm7/bin/DmServicerac1 to /etc/rc.d/init.d/DmServicerac1) Finished to create the service (DmServicerac1)
[root@dm2 ~]# /dm7/script/root/ -t dmserver -i /dm7/data/rac1_config/dm.ini -d /dm7/data/dmdcr.ini -p rac2 Move the service script file(/dm7/bin/DmServicerac2 to /etc/rc.d/init.d/DmServicerac2) Finished to create the service (DmServicerac2)
[root@dm1 ~]# service DmServicerac1 start Starting DmServicerac1: [ OK ] [root@dm2 ~]# service DmServicerac2 start Starting DmServicerac2: [ OK ]
./dmserver /dm7/data/rac0_config/dm.ini dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini ./dmserver /dm7/data/rac1_config/dm.ini dcr_ini=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini
[dmdba@dm1 data]$ vi /etc/dm_svc.conf rac=(, SWITCH_TIME=(10000) SWITCH_INTERVAL=(10) TIME_ZONE=(480) LANGUAGE=(en) [dmdba@dm2 rac]$ vi /etc/dm_svc.conf TIME_ZONE=(480) rac=(, SWITCH_TIME=(10000) SWITCH_INTERVAL=(10) TIME_ZONE=(480) LANGUAGE=(en)
13.2 连接RAC集群
[dmdba@dm1 data]$ disql SYSDBA/SYSDBA@rac Server[]:mode is normal, state is open login used time: 9.596(ms) disql V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT Connected to: DM SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; LINEID INSTANCE_NAME ---------- ------------- 1 RAC1 used time: 5.020(ms). Execute id is 2. SQL> select * from v$rac_ep_info; LINEID EP_NAME EP_SEQNO EP_GUID EP_TIMESTAMP EP_MODE EP_STATUS ---------- ------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- --------- 1 RAC0 0 2982624975 2982625916 MASTER OK 2 RAC1 1 2983098335 2983098713 SLAVE OK used time: 7.731(ms). Execute id is 3.
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; LINEID INSTANCE_NAME ---------- ------------- 1 RAC1 used time: 117.515(ms). Execute id is 1. SQL> select * from v$rac_ep_info; LINEID EP_NAME EP_SEQNO EP_GUID EP_TIMESTAMP EP_MODE EP_STATUS ---------- ------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- --------- 1 RAC0 0 2982624975 2982632228 MASTER OK 2 RAC1 1 2983098335 2983105025 SLAVE OK used time: 4.439(ms). Execute id is 4.
[dmdba@dm2 rac]$ disql SYSDBA/SYSDBA@rac Server[]:mode is normal, state is open login used time: 6.728(ms) disql V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT Connected to: DM SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; LINEID INSTANCE_NAME ---------- ------------- 1 RAC1 used time: 117.515(ms). Execute id is 1. SQL> select * from v$rac_ep_info; LINEID EP_NAME EP_SEQNO EP_GUID EP_TIMESTAMP EP_MODE EP_STATUS ---------- ------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- --------- 1 RAC0 0 2982624975 2982632228 MASTER OK 2 RAC1 1 2983098335 2983105025 SLAVE OK used time: 4.439(ms). Execute id is 4.
#此时连接的rac1,我们kill 进程:
[root@dm2 ~]# ps -ef | grep dm.ini dmdba 6231 1 0 17:25 pts/2 00:00:44 /dm7/bin/dmserver /dm7/data/rac1_config/dm.ini DCR_INI=/dm7/data/dmdcr.ini -noconsole root 10844 5237 0 19:20 pts/2 00:00:00 grep dm.ini [root@dm2 ~]# kill -9 6231
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; [-70065]:Connection exception, switch the current connection sucessful. [-70065]:Connection exception, switch the current connection sucessful. Server[]:mode is normal, state is open SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; LINEID INSTANCE_NAME ---------- ------------- 1 RAC0 used time: 9.443(ms). Execute id is 807. SQL> select * from v$rac_ep_info; LINEID EP_NAME EP_SEQNO EP_GUID EP_TIMESTAMP EP_MODE EP_STATUS ---------- ------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- --------- 1 RAC0 0 2982624975 2982632568 MASTER OK 2 RAC1 1 2983098335 2983105240 SLAVE ERROR used time: 3.184(ms). Execute id is 808.