# coding=utf-8 import logging import yaml import os import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # 获取当前目录的路径 cur_dir = os.path.abspath('.') def check_dt_pacsscp(config): """ 用来检查文件配置是否正确 """ #将配置config.yaml配置文件以字典方式读取 dts_method = config['service']['method'] dts_dup_check = config['service']['pacsscp_dup_check_off'] dts_interval = config['scheduler']['interval'] #判断对接方式是否是pacsscp if dts_method == 'pacsscp': if dts_dup_check == True and dts_interval == 3: return True else: return False else: #打印error级别的错误 print "\033[31m Error:method not is pacsscp!!!\033[0m" return False if __name__ == "__main__": # 加载yaml配置 config_yaml = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.yaml') with open(config_yaml, 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load( #dt相关路径和配置 dt_path = config['path']['docking-toolbox'] dt_config_path = os.path.join(dt_path, 'config.yaml') with open(dt_config_path, 'rt') as f: dt_config = yaml.safe_load( if check_dt_pacsscp(dt_config): print (u"\033[32m 校验通过~\033[0m") else: print (u'\033[32m 校验未通过, 请检查配置!\033[0m ')
# coding=utf-8 """ 作业要求, 完善check_txpacs_version函数 """ import logging import traceback import yaml import os import sys import re reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # 获取当前目录的路径 cur_dir = os.path.abspath('.') def check_txpacs_version(config, constant): """ 高难度 校验txpacs版本, 若版本<1.4, 则回调中不能出现received_start_timestamp和received_end_timestamp这两个参数, 若不合法打印error级别的提示; 校验txpacs的自动清理功能是否合法: 若dt版本<1.3.8, 则不做要求, 若dt版本>=1.3.8, 则要求txpacs版本必须为1.5.1及以上版本, 且txpacs配置的clean_date需配置为正整数 (docking-toolbox的版本号可以从文件'docking-toolbox/toolbox/utils/'中读取), 若不合法打印error级别的提示. 根据以上结果, 返回返回值. :param config: txpacs的配置 :param constant: docking-toolbox/toolbox/utils/constant.py文件内容 :return: True: 通过 False: 不通过 """ # 获取txpacs的版本号 jar_file = os.listdir(txpacs_path) jar_file.sort(reverse=True) jar_ver = jar_file[0] jar_version ='txpacs-(.*?).jar', jar_ver) #txpacs的版本号 txpacs_version = #docking-tools的版本号 dt_version ='DT_VERSIONS.*?"(.*?)"',constant).group(1) #打开txpacs的配置文件 with open(txpacs_config_path, 'rt') as f: txpacs_file = #判断txpacs的版本号是否小于1.4 if txpacs_version < '1.4': #判断received_start_timestamp" and "received_end_timestamp"两个参数是否出现在txpacs配置文件中 if "received_start_timestamp" and "received_end_timestamp" not in txpacs_file: return True else: print "\033[31m Error:当前的txpacs版本号是txpacs-%s ,不应该存在received_start_timestamp和received_end_timestamp\033[0m"%txpacs_version return False #如果txpacs版本号大于等于1.4 else: #判断DT版本是否大于1.3.8 if dt_version >= '1.3.8': if txpacs_version >= '1.5.1': if config['store']['clean_date'] > 0: return True else: print "\033[31m Error:txpacs配置文件中clean_date应为正整数 \033[0m" return False else: print "\033[31m Error:当前DT版本大于1.3.8,txpacs版本必须大于等于1.5.1\033[0m" return False else: return True if __name__ == "__main__": # 加载yaml配置 config_yaml = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.yaml') with open(config_yaml, 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load( # txpacs相关路径和配置 txpacs_path = config['path']['txpacs'] txpacs_config_path = os.path.join(txpacs_path, 'conf.yml') with open(txpacs_config_path, 'rt') as f: txpacs_config = yaml.safe_load( # dt相关路径和配置 dt_path = config['path']['docking-toolbox'] dt_constant_path = os.path.join(dt_path, 'toolbox', 'utils', '') with open(dt_constant_path, 'rt') as f: dt_constant = if check_txpacs_version(txpacs_config, dt_constant): print (u"\033[32m 校验通过~\033[0m") else: print (u'\033[32m 校验未通过, 请检查配置! \033[0m')