上次写Stream pipe细节时,在源码中发现一段无用逻辑,由此引发了对Stream data事件触发时机与顺序的探索。
当时研究pipe细节是基于Node.js v8.11.1的源码,其中针对上游的ondata事件处理有如下一段代码:
// If the user pushes more data while we're writing to dest then we'll end up // in ondata again. However, we only want to increase awaitDrain once because // dest will only emit one 'drain' event for the multiple writes. // => Introduce a guard on increasing awaitDrain. var increasedAwaitDrain = false; src.on('data', ondata); function ondata(chunk) { debug('ondata'); increasedAwaitDrain = false; var ret = dest.write(chunk); if (false === ret && !increasedAwaitDrain) { if (((state.pipesCount === 1 && state.pipes === dest) || (state.pipesCount > 1 && state.pipes.indexOf(dest) !== -1)) && !cleanedUp) { debug('false write response, pause', src._readableState.awaitDrain); src._readableState.awaitDrain++; increasedAwaitDrain = true; } src.pause(); } }