1. xLazyLoader
创新互联建站主要从事网站设计制作、成都网站制作、网页设计、企业做网站、公司建网站等业务。立足成都服务浈江,十余年网站建设经验,价格优惠、服务专业,欢迎来电咨询建站服务:189808205752. Speeding up Google Analytics load times with jQuery
3. Ajax Fancy Captcha – jQuery Plugin
4. Price Format – jQuery Plugin
5. jTruncate – Text Truncation for jQuery
6. Ajaxify – jQuery Plugin
7. Favorite Rating with jQuery and Ajax
8. Slide Top Panel – jQuery Plugin
9. Real Person jQuery Plugin
10. Search And Share
11. ShortKeys – jQuery Plugin
12. FancyPlayer – jQuery Fancybox and Flowplayer Integration
13. BigTarget – jQuery Plugin
14. prettyPopin – jQuery Plugin
15. Side Navigation Tooltip or Popup Bubble
16. Virtual jQuery Keyboard
17. Timeago
Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. “4 minutes ago” or “about 1 day ago”).
18. jsTree – jQuery Plugin
19. jQuote
20. Time Picker – jQuery Plugin