– Enter name of the parameter when prompted
SET linesize 235 col Parameter FOR a50 col SESSION FOR a28 col Instance FOR a55 col S FOR a1 col I FOR a1 col D FOR a1 col Description FOR a90 SELECT a.ksppinm "Parameter", decode(p.isses_modifiable,'FALSE',NULL,NULL,NULL,b.ksppstvl) "Session", c.ksppstvl "Instance", decode(p.isses_modifiable,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T') "S", decode(p.issys_modifiable,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T','IMMEDIATE','I','DEFERRED','D') "I", decode(p.isdefault,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T') "D", a.ksppdesc "Description" FROM x$ksppi a, x$ksppcv b, x$ksppsv c, v$parameter p WHERE a.indx = b.indx AND a.indx = c.indx AND = a.ksppinm AND UPPER(a.ksppinm) LIKE UPPER('%&1%') ORDER BY a.ksppinm; Enter value for 1:Here is the list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle 11g :