本篇文章为大家展示了怎么在Python中对zabbix api进行调用,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。
1.使用python requests模块
3.zabbix api的具体调用建议先浏览一下官网
import requests,json # #url一定要正确,IP地址换成自己zabbix服务器的 zbx_url = "" #在post请求头部必须要有 'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc'} #传递json 数据到api;登录 login = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "user.login", "params": { "user": "Admin", "password": "zabbix" }, "id": 1 } #首次登陆不用在json字段中写 auth,否则会有相关的报错 #将数据发送到api ret = requests.post(zbx_url, data=json.dumps(login), headers=headers) #对结果进行序列化 ret = ret.json() auth = ret['result'] #获取问题主机json data = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"trigger.get", "params": { # output表示输出结果包含参数有哪些 "output": [ "triggerid", "description", "status", "value", "priority", "lastchange", "recovery_mode", "hosts", "state", ], "selectHosts": "hosts", # 需包含主机ID信息,以便于根据主机ID查询主机信息 "selectItems":"items", "filter": { # 筛选条件 "value": 1,#value值为1表示有问题 "status": 0#status为0表示已启用的trigger }, }, "auth":auth,#这里的auth就是登录后获取的 'id':'1'#这个id可以随意 } #将查询数据发送到zabbix-server ret = requests.post(zbx_url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers) respone_result = ret.json()['result']#对结果进行json序列化 print(respone_result)
要调用zabbix api获取数据,首先要获得auth这一串字符用户后续的内容获取,auth可以看做是一种你与zabbix-server之间的"暗号";
login = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "user.login", "params": { "user": "Admin", #根据自己的情况填 "password": "zabbix" #根据自己的条件填写 }, "id": 1 }
获取问题主机的json字符串建议先浏览一下官网的说明,要强调的是output和filter这两个key,output就是zabbix api返回来的内容,filter相当于是过滤条件:
"filter": { # 筛选条件 "value": 1, #value值为1表示有问题 "status": 0 #status为0表示已启用的trigger },
上诉代码表示 value=1 and status=0,是一种与关系,很像查数据库表时候的过滤操作。
PS:Python通过Zabbix API获得数据的方法
Zabbix API查询:https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.0/manual/appendix/api/api
import json,urllib2 from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError #url and url header #zabbix的api 地址,用户名,密码,这里修改为自己实际的参数 zabbix_url="" zabbix_header = {"Content-Type":"application/json"} zabbix_user = "admin" zabbix_pass = "password" auth_code = "" #auth user and password #用户认证信息的部分,最终的目的是得到一个SESSIONID #这里是生成一个json格式的数据,用户名和密码 auth_data = json.dumps( { "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"user.login", "params": { "user":zabbix_user, "password":zabbix_pass }, "id":0 }) # create request object request = urllib2.Request(zabbix_url,auth_data) for key in zabbix_header: request.add_header(key,zabbix_header[key]) try: result = urllib2.urlopen(request) #对于出错新的处理 except HTTPError, e: print 'The server couldn\'t fulfill the request, Error code: ', e.code except URLError, e: print 'We failed to reach a server.Reason: ', e.reason else: response=json.loads(result.read()) print response result.close() #判断SESSIONID是否在返回的数据中 if 'result' in response: auth_code=response['result'] else: print response['error']['data'] # request json #用得到的SESSIONID去通过验证,获取主机的信息(用http.get方法) if len(auth_code) <> 0: host_list=[] get_host_data = json.dumps( { "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"host.get", "params":{ "output": "extend", }, "auth":auth_code, "id":1, }) # create request object request = urllib2.Request(zabbix_url,get_host_data) for key in zabbix_header: request.add_header(key,zabbix_header[key]) # get host list try: result = urllib2.urlopen(request) except URLError as e: if hasattr(e, 'reason'): print 'We failed to reach a server.' print 'Reason: ', e.reason elif hasattr(e, 'code'): print 'The server could not fulfill the request.' print 'Error code: ', e.code else: response = json.loads(result.read()) result.close() #将所有的主机信息显示出来 for r in response['result']: # print r['hostid'],r['host'] host_list.append(r['hostid']) #显示主机的个数 print "Number Of Hosts: ", len(host_list) #返回所有hostid==10251的主机,并只查询name包含“CPU Usage”字段的item,并按照name排序 get_item_data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get", "params": { "output": "extend", "hostids": "10251" "search": { #"key_": 'perf_counter[\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time]' "name": "CPU Usage" }, "sortfield": "name" }, "auth": auth_code, "id": 1 }) request = urllib2.Request(zabbix_url,get_item_data) for key in zabbix_header: request.add_header(key,zabbix_header[key]) result = urllib2.urlopen(request) try: result = urllib2.urlopen(request) response = json.loads(result.read()) for r in response['result']: print r['itemid'],r['hostid'] result.close() except: pass #通过hostid获取相应的graphid get_graph_data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "graphitem.get", "params": { "output": "extend", "expandData": 1, "itemids": "33712" }, "auth": auth_code, "id": 1 }) request = urllib2.Request(zabbix_url,get_graph_data) for key in zabbix_header: request.add_header(key,zabbix_header[key]) result = urllib2.urlopen(request) try: result = urllib2.urlopen(request) response = json.loads(result.read()) for r in response['result']: print r['itemid'],r['graphid'] result.close() except: pass
上述内容就是怎么在Python中对zabbix api进行调用,你们学到知识或技能了吗?如果还想学到更多技能或者丰富自己的知识储备,欢迎关注创新互联成都网站设计公司行业资讯频道。