vb.net逆序输出 vb数组逆序输出
果在格式化数字时没有指定 format,Format 会提供与 Str 函数类似的功能
' 如果没有指定格式,则返回字符串。
MyStr = Format(23) ' 返回 "23"。
' 用户自定义的格式。
MyStr = Format(5459.4, "##,##0。00") ' 返回 "5,459.40"。
MyStr = Format(334。9, "###0。00") ' 返回 "334.90"。
MyStr = Format(5, "0。00%") ' 返回 "500.00%"。
MyStr = Format("HELLO", "") ' 返回 "hello"。
MyStr = Format("This is it", "") ' 返回 "THIS IS IT
Sub Main()
Dim a As Boolean = True, b As Boolean = False
Console.WriteLine(LCase("a=" a " b=" b))
Console.WriteLine(LCase("true and false = " (a And b)))
Console.WriteLine(LCase("true and not false = " (a And Not b)))
Console.WriteLine(LCase("true false or false = " ((ab) Or b)))
End Sub
vb.net 如何实现输出一串字符串中的所有字符以及每个字符的出现次数?
Private Sub Command1_Click()
s = InputBox("请输入一个英文字符串:")
Dim a(128) As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(s)
t = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1))
a(t) = a(t) + 1
Next i
For i = 1 To 127
If a(i) 0 Then Print Chr(i); ":"; a(i)
Next i
End Sub
你的 sub过程这个是子过程,无返回值的,这里Form1_Load中b仍然 b=""
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim a As String = "rem"
Dim b As String = ""
b = sub过程(b, a)
Me.Text = b '为什么“b”不是等于 "注释"
End Sub
Private Function sub过程(ByVal 输出 As String, ByRef 输入 As String) As String
If 输入 = "rem" Then
输出 = "注释"
End If
Return 输出
End Function
文章名称:vb.net逆序输出 vb数组逆序输出