


1 SemiSpace



// SemiSpace in young generation
// A semispace is a contiguous chunk of memory. The mark-compact collector
// uses the memory in the from space as a marking stack when tracing live
// objects.

class SemiSpace  BASE_EMBEDDED {
 // Creates a space in the young generation. The constructor does not
 // allocate memory from the OS.  A SemiSpace is given a contiguous chunk of
 // memory of size 'capacity' when set up, and does not grow or shrink
 // otherwise.  In the mark-compact collector, the memory region of the from
 // space is used as the marking stack. It requires contiguous memory
 // addresses.
 SemiSpace(int initial_capacity, int maximum_capacity);

 // Sets up the semispace using the given chunk.
 bool Setup(Address start, int size);

 // Tear down the space.  Heap memory was not allocated by the space, so it
 // is not deallocated here.
 void TearDown();

 // True if the space has been set up but not torn down.
 bool HasBeenSetup() { return start_ != NULL; }

 bool Double();

 // Returns the start address of the space.
 Address low() { return start_; }
 // Returns one past the end address of the space.
 Address high() { return low() + capacity_; }

 // Age mark accessors.
 Address age_mark() { return ag偏移_mark_; }
 void set_age_mark(Address mark) { age_mark_ = mark; }

 // True if the address is in the address range of this semispace (not
 // necessarily below the allocation pointer).
 // 判断地址a是否在该对象管理的内存中,&address_mask即让a减去size-1的大小。如果等于start说明在管理范围内
 bool Contains(Address a) {
   return (reinterpret_cast(a) & address_mask_)
          == reinterpret_cast(start_);

 // True if the object is a heap object in the address range of this
 // semispace (not necessarily below the allocation pointer).
 // 类似上面的逻辑,但是堆对象低位是标记,判断时候需要处理一下,加SetUp
 bool Contains(Object* o) {
   return (reinterpret_cast(o) & object_mask_) == object_expected_;

 // The offset of an address from the begining of the space.
 // 距离开始地址的p
 int SpaceOffsetForAddress(Address addr) { return addr - low(); }

 // The current and maximum capacity of the space.
 int capacity_;
 int maximum_capacity_;

 // The start address of the space.
 Address start_;
 // Used to govern object promotion during mark-compact collection.
 Address age_mark_;

 // Masks and comparison values to test for containment in this semispace.
 // 见SetUp函数
 uint32_t address_ma函数
 uint32_t object_mask_;
 uint32_t object_expected_;





SemiSpace::SemiSpace(int initial_capacity, int maximum_capacity)
   : capacity_(initial_capacity), maximum_capacity_(maximum_capacity),
     start_(NULL), age_mark_(NULL) {

// 设置管理的地址范围
bool SemiSpace::Setup(Address start, int size) {
 ASSERT(size == maximum_capacity_);
 // 判断地址的有效性
 if (!MemoryAllocator::CommitBlock(start, capacity_)) return false;
 // 管理地址空间的首地址
 start_ = start;
 // 低于有效范围的掩码,即保证相与后的值小于等于管理的地址范围
 address_mask_ = ~(size - 1);
 // 计算对象地址掩码,低位是标记位,判断的时候需要保留
 object_mask_ = address_mask_ | kHeapObjectTag;
 // 见contains函数,对象地址里低位是标记位,判断的时候需要带上
 object_expected_ = reinterpret_cast(start) | kHeapObjectTag;
 // gc相关
 age_mark_ = start_;
 return true;

void SemiSpace::TearDown() {
 start_ = NULL;
 capacity_ = 0;

// 扩容
bool SemiSpace::Double() {
 if (!MemoryAllocator::CommitBlock(high(), capacity_)) return false;
 capacity_ *= 2;
 return true;



2 NewSpace



// The young generation space.
// The new space consists of a contiguous pair of semispaces.  It simply
// forwards most functions to the appropriate semispace.

class NewSpace : public Malloced {

 NewSpace(int initial_semispace_capacity, int maximum_semispace_capacity);

 bool Setup(Address start, int size);
 void TearDown();

 // True if the space has been set up but not torn down.
  bool HasBeenSetup() {
   return to_space_->HasBeenSetup() && from_space_->HasBeenSetup();

 // Flip the pair of spaces.
 void Flip();

 bool Double();

 bool Contains(Address a) {
   return (reinterpret_cast(a) & address_mask_)
       == reinterpret_cast(start_);
 bool Contains(Object* o) {
   return (reinterpret_cast(o) & object_mask_) == object_expected_;

 // Return the allocated bytes in the active semispace.
 // to区已分配的内存大小
 int Size() { return top() - bottom(); }
 // Return the current capacity of a semispace.
 int Capacity() { return capacity_; }
 // Return the available bytes without growing in the active semispace.
 // to区还有多少内存可用
 int Available() { return Capacity() - Size(); }

 // Return the maximum capacity of a semispace.
 int MaximumCapacity() { return maximum_capacity_; }

 // Return the address of the allocation pointer in the active semispace.
 // 当前已经分配出去的内存的末地址
 Address top() { return allocation_info_.top; }
 // Return the address of the first object in thkeyoctive semispace.
 // to_space的管理的内存的首地址
 Address bottom() { return to_space_->low(); }

 // Get the age mark of the inactive semispace.
 Address age_mark() { return from_space_->age_mark(); }
 // Set the age mark in the active semispace.
 void set_age_mark(Address mark) { to_space_->set_age_mark(mark); }

 // The start address of the space and a bit mask. Anding an address in the
 // new space with the mask will result in the start address.
 Address start() { return start_; }
 uint32_t mask() { return address_mask_; }

 // The allocation top and limit addresses.
 // 当前已分配的内存的末地址
 Address* allocation_top_address() { return &allocation_info_.top; }
 // 最大能分配的内存末地址
 Address* allocation_limit_address() { return &allocation_info_.limit; }

 Object* AllocateRaw(int size_in_bytes) {
   return AllocateRawInternal(size_in_bytes, &allocation_info_);

 Object* MCAllocateRaw(int size_in_bytes) {
   return AllocateRawInternal(size_in_bytes, &mc_forwarding_info_);

 void ResetAllocationInfo();

 void MCResetRelocationInfo();

 void MCCommitRelocationInfo();

 // Get the extent of the inactive semispace (for use as a marking stack).
 Address FromSpaceLow() { return from_space_->low(); }
 Address FromSpaceHigh() { return from_space_->high(); }

 // Get the extent of the active semispace (to sweep newly copied objects
 // during a scavenge collection).
 Address ToSpaceLow() { return to_space_->low(); }
 Address ToSpaceHigh() { return to_space_->high(); }

 // Offsets from the beginning of the semispaces.
 int ToSpaceOffsetForAddress(Address a) {
   return to_space_->SpaceOffsetForAddress(a);
 int FromSpaceOffsetForAddress(Address a) {
   return from_space_->SpaceOffsetForAddress(a);

 bool ToSpaceContains(Object* o) { return to_space_->Contains(o); }
 bool FromSpaceContains(Object* o) { return from_space_->Contains(o); }

 bool ToSpaceContains(Address a) { return to_space_->Contains(a); }
 bool FromSpaceContains(Address a) { return from_space_->Contains(a); }

 void RecordAllocation(HeapObject* obj);
 void RecordPromotion(HeapObject* obj);

 // The current and maximum capacities of a semispace.
 int capacity_;
 int maximum_capacity_;

 // The semispaces.
 SemiSpace* to_space_;
 SemiSpace* from_space_;

 // Start address and bit mask for containment testing.
 Address start_;
 uint32_t address_mask_;
 uint32_t object_mask_;
 uint32_t object_expected_;

 // Allocation pointer and limit for normal allocation and allocation during
 // mark-compact collection.
 AllocationInfo allocation_info_;
 AllocationInfo mc_forwarding_info_;

 // Implementation of AllocateRaw and MCAllocateRaw.
 inline Object* AllocateRawInternal(int size_in_bytes,
                                    AllocationInfo* alloc_info);

 friend class SemiSpaceIterator;





// 分为两个space
NewSpace::NewSpace(int initial_semispace_capacity,
                  int maximum_semispace_capacity) {
 ASSERT(initial_semispace_capacity <= maximum_semispace_capacity);
 maximum_capacity_ = maximum_semispace_capacity;
 capacity_ = initial_semispace_capacity;
 to_space_ = new SemiSpace(capacity_, maximum_capacity_);
 from_space_ = new SemiSpace(capacity_, maximum_capacity_);

// 设置需要管理的地址空间,start是首地址,size是大小
bool NewSpace::Setup(Address start, int size) {
 ASSERT(size == 2 * maximum_capacity_);
 ASSERT(IsAddressAligned(start, size, 0));
 // to区
 if (to_space_ == NULL
     || !to_space_->Setup(start, maximum_capacity_)) {
   return false;
 // from区,和to区一人一半
 if (from_space_ == NULL
     || !from_space_->Setup(start + maximum_capacity_, maximum_capacity_)) {
   return false;
 // 开始地址
 start_ = start;
 address_mask_ = ~(size - 1);
 // 参考semiSpace的分析
 object_mask_ = address_mask_ | kHeapObjectTag;
 object_expected_ = reinterpret_cast(start) | kHeapObjectTag;
 // 初始化管理的地址的信息
 allocation_info_.top = to_space_->low();
 allocation_info_.limit = to_space_->high();
 mc_forwarding_info_.top = NULL;
 mc_forwarding_info_.limit = NULL;

 ASSERT_SEMISPACE_ALLOCATION_INFO(allocation_info_, to_space_);
 return true;

// 重置属性,不负责内存的释放
void NewSpace::TearDown() {

 start_ = NULL;
 capacity_ = 0;
 allocation_info_.top = NULL;
 allocation_info_.limit = NULL;
 mc_forwarding_info_.top = NULL;
 mc_forwarding_info_.limit = NULL;

 if (to_space_ != NULL) {
   delete to_space_;
   to_space_ = NULL;

 if (from_space_ != NULL) {
   delete from_space_;
   from_space_ = NULL;

// 翻转,在gc中调用
void NewSpace::Flip() {
 SemiSpace* tmp = from_space_;
 from_space_ = to_space_;
 to_space_ = tmp;

// 扩容
bool NewSpace::Double() {
 ASSERT(capacity_ <= maximum_capacity_ / 2);
 // TODO(1240712): Failure to double the from space can result in
 // semispaces of different sizes.  In the event of that failure, the
 // to space doubling should be rolled back before returning false.
 if (!to_space_->Double() || !from_space_->Double()) return false;
 capacity_ *= 2;
 // 从新扩容的地址开始分配内存,即老内存的末端。
 allocation_info_.limit = to_space_->high();
 ASSERT_SEMISPACE_ALLOCATION_INFO(allocation_info_, to_space_);
 return true;

// 重置管理内存分配的指针
void NewSpace::ResetAllocationInfo() {
 allocation_info_.top = to_space_->low();
 allocation_info_.limit = to_space_->high();
 ASSERT_SEMISPACE_ALLOCATION_INFO(allocation_info_, to_space_);

void NewSpace::MCResetRelocationInfo() {
 mc_forwarding_info_.top = from_space_->low();
 mc_forwarding_info_.limit = from_space_->high();
 ASSERT_SEMISPACE_ALLOCATION_INFO(mc_forwarding_info_, from_space_);

void NewSpace::MCCommitRelocationInfo() {
 // Assumes that the spaces have been flipped so that mc_forwarding_info_ is
 // valid allocation info for the to space.
 allocation_info_.top = mc_forwarding_info_.top;
 allocation_info_.limit = to_space_->high();
 ASSERT_SEMISPACE_ALLOCATION_INFO(allocation_info_, to_space_);




// 分配内存
Object* NewSpace::AllocateRawInternal(int size_in_bytes,
                                     AllocationInfo* alloc_info) {

 Address new_top = alloc_info->top + size_in_bytes;
 // 内存不够了
 if (new_top > alloc_info->limit) {
   return Failure::RetryAfterGC(size_in_bytes, NEW_SPACE);
 // 地址+低一位的标记
 Object* obj = HeapObject::FromAddress(alloc_info->top);
 // 更新指针,指向下一块可分配的内存
 alloc_info->top = new_top;
#ifdef DEBUG
 SemiSpace* space =
     (alloc_info == &allocation_info_) ? to_space_ : from_space_;
 ASSERT(space->low() <= alloc_info->top
        && alloc_info->top <= space->high()
        && alloc_info->limit == space->high());
 return obj;




