func Make(peers []*labrpc.ClientEnd, me int, persister *Persister, applyCh chan ApplyMsg) *Raft { ... go rf.applyLogEntryDaemon() // start apply log DPrintf("[%d-%s]: newborn election(%s) heartbeat(%s) term(%d) voted(%d)\n", rf.me, rf, rf.electionTimeout, rf.heartbeatInterval, rf.CurrentTerm, rf.VotedFor) return rf }
1、如果rf.lastApplied == rf.commitIndex, 意味着commit log entry命令都已经被执行了,这时用信号量陷入等待。
一旦收到信号,说明需要执行命令。这时会把最后执行的log entry之后,一直到最后一个commit log entry的所有log都传入通道apply中进行执行。
// applyLogEntryDaemon exit when shutdown channel is closed func (rf *Raft) applyLogEntryDaemon() { for { var logs []LogEntry // wait rf.mu.Lock() for rf.lastApplied == rf.commitIndex { rf.commitCond.Wait() select { case <-rf.shutdownCh: rf.mu.Unlock() DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d is shutting down apply log entry to client daemon.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me) close(rf.applyCh) return default: } } last, cur := rf.lastApplied, rf.commitIndex if last < cur { rf.lastApplied = rf.commitIndex logs = make([]LogEntry, cur-last) copy(logs, rf.Logs[last+1:cur+1]) } rf.mu.Unlock() for i := 0; i < cur-last; i++ { // current command is replicated, ignore nil command reply := ApplyMsg{ CommandIndex: last + i + 1, Command: logs[i].Command, CommandValid: true, } // reply to outer service // DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d apply %v to client.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me) DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d apply to client.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me) // Note: must in the same goroutine, or may result in out of order apply rf.applyCh <- reply } } }
新增 Start函数,此函数为leader执行从client发送过来的命令。
当client发送过来之后,首先需要做的就是新增entry 到leader的log中。并且将自身的nextIndex 与matchIndex 更新。
func (rf *Raft) Start(command interface{}) (int, int, bool) { index := -1 term := 0 isLeader := false // Your code here (2B). select { case <-rf.shutdownCh: return -1, 0, false default: rf.mu.Lock() defer rf.mu.Unlock() // Your code here (2B). if rf.state == Leader { log := LogEntry{rf.CurrentTerm, command} rf.Logs = append(rf.Logs, log) index = len(rf.Logs) - 1 term = rf.CurrentTerm isLeader = true //DPrintf("[%d-%s]: client add new entry (%d-%v), logs: %v\n", rf.me, rf, index, command, rf.logs) DPrintf("[%d-%s]: client add new entry (%d)\n", rf.me, rf, index) //DPrintf("[%d-%s]: client add new entry (%d-%v)\n", rf.me, rf, index, command) // only update leader rf.nextIndex[rf.me] = index + 1 rf.matchIndex[rf.me] = index } } return index, term, isLeader }
在给第n号节点一致性检查时,首先获取pre = rf.nextIndex,pre至少要为1。代表要给n节点发送的log index。因此AppendEntriesArgs参数中,PrevLogIndex 与 prevlogTerm 都为pre - 1位置。
将pre及其之后的entry 加入到AppendEntriesArgs参数中。 这些log entry可能是与leader不相同的,或者是follower根本就没有的。
func (rf *Raft) consistencyCheck(n int) { rf.mu.Lock() defer rf.mu.Unlock() pre := max(1,rf.nextIndex[n]) var args = AppendEntriesArgs{ Term: rf.CurrentTerm, LeaderID: rf.me, PrevLogIndex: pre - 1, PrevLogTerm: rf.Logs[pre - 1].Term, Entries: nil, LeaderCommit: rf.commitIndex, } if rf.nextIndex[n] < len(rf.Logs){ args.Entries = append(args.Entries, rf.Logs[pre:]...) } go func() { DPrintf("[%d-%s]: consistency Check to peer %d.\n", rf.me, rf, n) var reply AppendEntriesReply if rf.sendAppendEntries(n, &args, &reply) { rf.consistencyCheckReplyHandler(n, &reply) } }() }
FirstIndex 代表可能发生冲突的第一个index。
type AppendEntriesReply struct { CurrentTerm int // currentTerm, for leader to update itself Success bool // true if follower contained entry matching prevLogIndex and prevLogTerm // extra info for heartbeat from follower ConflictTerm int // term of the conflicting entry FirstIndex int // the first index it stores for ConflictTerm }
如果args.PrevLogIndex < len(rf.Logs), 表明至少当前节点的log长度是合理的。
令preLogIdx 与 args.PrevLogIndex相等。prelogTerm为当前follower节点preLogIdx位置的term。
如果拥有相同的term,说明follower与leader 在preLogIdx之前的log entry都是相同的。因此请求是成功的。
请求成功后,reply的ConflictTerm为最后一个log entry的term,reply的FirstIndex为最后一个log entry的index。
1、leader认为的match log entry超出了follower的log个数,或者follower 还没有任何log entry(除了index为0的entry是每一个节点都有的)。
2、log在相同的index下,leader的term 与follower的term确是不同的。
// AppendEntries handler, including heartbeat, must backup quickly func (rf *Raft) AppendEntries(args *AppendEntriesArgs, reply *AppendEntriesReply) { ... preLogIdx, preLogTerm := 0, 0 if args.PrevLogIndex < len(rf.Logs) { preLogIdx = args.PrevLogIndex preLogTerm = rf.Logs[preLogIdx].Term } // last log is match if preLogIdx == args.PrevLogIndex && preLogTerm == args.PrevLogTerm { reply.Success = true // truncate to known match rf.Logs = rf.Logs[:preLogIdx+1] rf.Logs = append(rf.Logs, args.Entries...) var last = len(rf.Logs) - 1 // min(leaderCommit, index of last new entry) if args.LeaderCommit > rf.commitIndex { rf.commitIndex = min(args.LeaderCommit, last) // signal possible update commit index go func() { rf.commitCond.Broadcast() }() } // tell leader to update matched index reply.ConflictTerm = rf.Logs[last].Term reply.FirstIndex = last if len(args.Entries) > 0 { DPrintf("[%d-%s]: AE success from leader %d (%d cmd @ %d), commit index: l->%d, f->%d.\n", rf.me, rf, args.LeaderID, len(args.Entries), preLogIdx+1, args.LeaderCommit, rf.commitIndex) } else { DPrintf("[%d-%s]:current logs: %v\n", rf.me, rf, rf.Logs) } } else { reply.Success = false // extra info for restore missing entries quickly: from original paper and lecture note // if follower rejects, includes this in reply: // // the follower's term in the conflicting entry // the index of follower's first entry with that term // // if leader knows about the conflicting term: // move nextIndex[i] back to leader's last entry for the conflicting term // else: // move nextIndex[i] back to follower's first index var first = 1 reply.ConflictTerm = preLogTerm if reply.ConflictTerm == 0 { // which means leader has more logs or follower has no log at all first = len(rf.Logs) reply.ConflictTerm = rf.Logs[first-1].Term } else { i := preLogIdx // term的第一个log entry for ; i > 0; i-- { if rf.Logs[i].Term != preLogTerm { first = i + 1 break } } } reply.FirstIndex = first if len(rf.Logs) <= args.PrevLogIndex { DPrintf("[%d-%s]: AE failed from leader %d, leader has more logs (%d > %d), reply: %d - %d.\n", rf.me, rf, args.LeaderID, args.PrevLogIndex, len(rf.Logs)-1, reply.ConflictTerm, reply.FirstIndex) } else { DPrintf("[%d-%s]: AE failed from leader %d, pre idx/term mismatch (%d != %d, %d != %d).\n", rf.me, rf, args.LeaderID, args.PrevLogIndex, preLogIdx, args.PrevLogTerm, preLogTerm) } } }
如果调用是成功的,那么正常的跟新matchIndex,nextIndex即下一个要发送的index应该为matchIndex + 1。
如果confiicting term等于0,说明了leader认为的match log entry超出了follower的log个数,或者follower 还没有任何log entry(除了index为0的entry是每一个节点都有的)。
此时简单的让nextIndex 为reply.FirstIndex即可。
如果confiicting term不为0,获取leader节点confiicting term 的最后一个log index,此时nextIndex 应该为此index与reply.FirstIndex的最小值。
s1: 0-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5
s2: 0-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5
s3: 0-0 1-1
此时s1为leader,并一致性检查s3, 从1-5开始检查,此时由于leader有更多的log,因此检查不成功,返回confict term 1, firstindex:2
如果只是获取confiicting term 的最后一个log index,那么nextIndex又是1-5,陷入了死循环。
func (rf *Raft) consistencyCheckReplyHandler(n int, reply *AppendEntriesReply) { rf.mu.Lock() defer rf.mu.Unlock() if rf.state != Leader { return } if reply.Success { // RPC and consistency check successful rf.matchIndex[n] = reply.FirstIndex rf.nextIndex[n] = rf.matchIndex[n] + 1 rf.updateCommitIndex() // try to update commitIndex } else { // found a new leader? turn to follower if rf.state == Leader && reply.CurrentTerm > rf.CurrentTerm { rf.turnToFollow() rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{} DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d found new term (heartbeat resp from peer %d), turn to follower.", rf.me, rf, rf.me, n) return } // Does leader know conflicting term? var know, lastIndex = false, 0 if reply.ConflictTerm != 0 { for i := len(rf.Logs) - 1; i > 0; i-- { if rf.Logs[i].Term == reply.ConflictTerm { know = true lastIndex = i DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d have entry %d is the last entry in term %d.", rf.me, rf, rf.me, i, reply.ConflictTerm) break } } if know { rf.nextIndex[n] = min(lastIndex, reply.FirstIndex) } else { rf.nextIndex[n] = reply.FirstIndex } } else { rf.nextIndex[n] = reply.FirstIndex } rf.nextIndex[n] = min(rf.nextIndex[n], len(rf.Logs)) DPrintf("[%d-%s]: nextIndex for peer %d => %d.\n", rf.me, rf, n, rf.nextIndex[n]) } }
由于matchIndex代表follower有多少log与leader的log匹配,因此中间的log index意味着其得到了大部分节点的认可。
因此会将此中间的index之前的所有log entry都执行了。
rf.Logs[target].Term == rf.CurrentTerm 是必要的:
S1: 1 2 1 2 4 S2: 1 2 1 2 S3: 1 --> 1 2 S4: 1 1 S5: 1 1 3
// updateCommitIndex find new commit id, must be called when hold lock func (rf *Raft) updateCommitIndex() { match := make([]int, len(rf.matchIndex)) copy(match, rf.matchIndex) sort.Ints(match) DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d try to update commit index: %v @ term %d.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me, rf.matchIndex, rf.CurrentTerm) target := match[len(rf.peers)/2] if rf.commitIndex < target { //fmt.Println("target:",target,match) if rf.Logs[target].Term == rf.CurrentTerm { //DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d update commit index %d -> %d @ term %d command:%v\n", // rf.me, rf, rf.me, rf.commitIndex, target, rf.CurrentTerm,rf.Logs[target].Command) DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d update commit index %d -> %d @ term %d\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me, rf.commitIndex, target, rf.CurrentTerm) rf.commitIndex = target go func() { rf.commitCond.Broadcast() }() } else { DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d update commit index %d failed (log term %d != current Term %d)\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me, rf.commitIndex, rf.Logs[target].Term, rf.CurrentTerm) } } }