计算机科学中最常用和讨论最多的数据结构之一是二叉搜索树。这通常是引入的第一个具有非线性插入算法的数据结构。二叉搜索树类似于双链表,每个节点包含一些数据,以及两个指向其他节点的指针;它们在这些节点彼此相关联的方式上有所不同。二叉搜索树节点的指针通常被称为“左”和“右”,用来指示与当前值相关的子树。这种节点的简单 JavaScript 实现如下:
var node = { value: 125, left: null, right: null };
上图表示一个二叉搜索树,其根的值为 8。当添加值 3 时,它成为根的左子节点,因为 3 小于 8。当添加值 1 时,它成为 3 的左子节点,因为 1 小于 8(所以向左)然后 1 小于3(再向左)。当添加值 10 时,它成为跟的右子节点,因为 10 大于 8。不断用此过程继续处理值 6,4,7,14 和 13。此二叉搜索树的深度为 3,表示距离根最远的节点是三个节点。
二叉搜索树以自然排序的顺序结束,因此可用于快速查找数据,因为你可以立即消除每个步骤的可能性。通过限制需要查找的节点数量,可以更快地进行搜索。假设你要在上面的树中找到值 6。从根开始,确定 6 小于 8,因此前往根的左子节点。由于 6 大于 3,因此你将前往右侧节点。你就能找到正确的值。所以你只需访问三个而不是九个节点来查找这个值。
要在 JavaScript 中实现二叉搜索树,第一步要先定义基本接口:
function BinarySearchTree() { this._root = null; } BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //restore constructor constructor: BinarySearchTree, add: function (value){ }, contains: function(value){ }, remove: function(value){ }, size: function(){ }, toArray: function(){ }, toString: function(){ } };
,它们对 JavaScript 很有用。
要掌握使用二叉搜索树的方法,最好从 contains()
方法开始。 contains()
方法接受一个值作为参数,如果值存在于树中则返回 true
,否则返回 false
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code contains: function(value){ var found = false, current = this._root //make sure there's a node to search while(!found && current){ //if the value is less than the current node's, go left if (value < current.value){ current = current.left; //if the value is greater than the current node's, go right } else if (value > current.value){ current = current.right; //values are equal, found it! } else { found = true; } } //only proceed if the node was found return found; }, //more code };
搜索从树的根开始。如果没有添加数据,则可能没有根,所以必须要进行检查。遍历树遵循前面讨论的简单算法:如果要查找的值小于当前节点则向左移动,如果值更大则向右移动。每次都会覆盖 current
指针,直到找到要找的值(在这种情况下 found
设置为 true
在 contains()
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code add: function(value){ //create a new item object, place data in var node = { value: value, left: null, right: null }, //used to traverse the structure current; //special case: no items in the tree yet if (this._root === null){ this._root = node; } else { current = this._root; while(true){ //if the new value is less than this node's value, go left if (value < current.value){ //if there's no left, then the new node belongs there if (current.left === null){ current.left = node; break; } else { current = current.left; } //if the new value is greater than this node's value, go right } else if (value > current.value){ //if there's no right, then the new node belongs there if (current.right === null){ current.right = node; break; } else { current = current.right; } //if the new value is equal to the current one, just ignore } else { break; } } } }, //more code };
在二叉搜索树中添加值时,特殊情况是在没有根的情况。在这种情况下,只需将根设置为新值即可轻松完成工作。对于其他情况,基本算法与 contains()
在继续讨论 size()
方法之前,我想深入讨论树遍历。为了计算二叉搜索树的大小,必须要访问树中的每个节点。二叉搜索树通常会有不同类型的遍历方法,最常用的是有序遍历。通过处理左子树,然后是节点本身,然后是右子树,在每个节点上执行有序遍历。由于二叉搜索树以这种方式排序,从左到右,结果是节点以正确的排序顺序处理。对于 size()
方法,节点遍历的顺序实际上并不重要,但它对 toArray()
方法很重要。由于两种方法都需要执行遍历,我决定添加一个可以通用的 traverse()
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code traverse: function(process){ //helper function function inOrder(node){ if (node){ //traverse the left subtree if (node.left !== null){ inOrder(node.left); } //call the process method on this node process.call(this, node); //traverse the right subtree if (node.right !== null){ inOrder(node.right); } } } //start with the root inOrder(this._root); }, //more code };
此方法接受一个参数 process
,这是一个应该在树中的每个节点上运行的函数。该方法定义了一个名为 inOrder()
的辅助函数用于递归遍历树。注意,如果当前节点存在,则递归仅左右移动(以避免多次处理 null
)。然后 traverse()
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code size: function(){ var length = 0; this.traverse(function(node){ length++; }); return length; }, toArray: function(){ var result = []; this.traverse(function(node){ result.push(node.value); }); return result; }, toString: function(){ return this.toArray().toString(); }, //more code };
和 toArray()
都调用 traverse()
方法并传入一个函数来在每个节点上运行。在使用 size()
的情况下,函数只是递增长度变量,而 toArray()
使用函数将节点的值添加到数组中。 toString()
方法在调用 toArray()
之前把返回的数组转换为字符串,并返回 。
删除节点时,你需要确定它是否为根节点。根节点的处理方式与其他节点类似,但明显的例外是根节点需要在结尾处设置为不同的值。为简单起见,这将被视为 JavaScript 代码中的一个特例。
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code here remove: function(value){ var found = false, parent = null, current = this._root, childCount, replacement, replacementParent; //make sure there's a node to search while(!found && current){ //if the value is less than the current node's, go left if (value < current.value){ parent = current; current = current.left; //if the value is greater than the current node's, go right } else if (value > current.value){ parent = current; current = current.right; //values are equal, found it! } else { found = true; } } //only proceed if the node was found if (found){ //continue } }, //more code here };
方法的第一部分是用二叉搜索定位要被删除的节点,如果值小于当前节点的话则向左移动,如果值大于当前节点则向右移动。当遍历时还会跟踪 parent
节点,因为你最终需要从其父节点中删除该节点。当 found
等于 true
- 叶子节点
- 只有一个孩子的节点
- 有两个孩子的节点
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code here remove: function(value){ var found = false, parent = null, current = this._root, childCount, replacement, replacementParent; //find the node (removed for space) //only proceed if the node was found if (found){ //figure out how many children childCount = (current.left !== null ? 1 : 0) + (current.right !== null ? 1 : 0); //special case: the value is at the root if (current === this._root){ switch(childCount){ //no children, just erase the root case 0: this._root = null; break; //one child, use one as the root case 1: this._root = (current.right === null ? current.left : current.right); break; //two children, little work to do case 2: //TODO //no default } //non-root values } else { switch (childCount){ //no children, just remove it from the parent case 0: //if the current value is less than its //parent's, null out the left pointer if (current.value < parent.value){ parent.left = null; //if the current value is greater than its //parent's, null out the right pointer } else { parent.right = null; } break; //one child, just reassign to parent case 1: //if the current value is less than its //parent's, reset the left pointer if (current.value < parent.value){ parent.left = (current.left === null ? current.right : current.left); //if the current value is greater than its //parent's, reset the right pointer } else { parent.right = (current.left === null ? current.right : current.left); } break; //two children, a bit more complicated case 2: //TODO //no default } } } }, //more code here };
处理根节点时,这是一个覆盖它的简单过程。对于非根节点,必须根据要删除的节点的值设置 parent
上的相应指针:如果删除的值小于父节点,则 left
指针必须重置为 null
(对于没有子节点的节点)或删除节点的 left
指针;如果删除的值大于父级,则必须将 right
指针重置为 null
或删除的节点的 right
根为 8,左子为 3,如果 3 被删除会发生什么?有两种可能性:1(3 左边的孩子,称为有序前身)或4(右子树的最左边的孩子,称为有序继承者)都可以取代 3。
BinarySearchTree.prototype = { //more code here remove: function(value){ var found = false, parent = null, current = this._root, childCount, replacement, replacementParent; //find the node (removed for space) //only proceed if the node was found if (found){ //figure out how many children childCount = (current.left !== null ? 1 : 0) + (current.right !== null ? 1 : 0); //special case: the value is at the root if (current === this._root){ switch(childCount){ //other cases removed to save space //two children, little work to do case 2: //new root will be the old root's left child //...maybe replacement = this._root.left; //find the right-most leaf node to be //the real new root while (replacement.right !== null){ replacementParent = replacement; replacement = replacement.right; } //it's not the first node on the left if (replacementParent !== null){ //remove the new root from it's //previous position replacementParent.right = replacement.left; //give the new root all of the old //root's children replacement.right = this._root.right; replacement.left = this._root.left; } else { //just assign the children replacement.right = this._root.right; } //officially assign new root this._root = replacement; //no default } //non-root values } else { switch (childCount){ //other cases removed to save space //two children, a bit more complicated case 2: //reset pointers for new traversal replacement = current.left; replacementParent = current; //find the right-most node while(replacement.right !== null){ replacementParent = replacement; replacement = replacement.right; } replacementParent.right = replacement.left; //assign children to the replacement replacement.right = current.right; replacement.left = current.left; //place the replacement in the right spot if (current.value < parent.value){ parent.left = replacement; } else { parent.right = replacement; } //no default } } } }, //more code here };
具有两个子节点的根节点和非根节点的代码几乎相同。此实现始终通过查看左子树并查找最右侧子节点来查找有序前驱。遍历是使用 while
循环中的 replacement
和 replacementParent
变量完成的。 replacement
中的节点最终成为替换 current
的节点,因此通过将其父级的 right
指针设置为替换的 left
指针,将其从当前位置移除。对于根节点,当 replacement
将为 null
,因此 replacement
的 right
指针只是设置为 root 的 right
指针。最后一步是将替换节点分配到正确的位置。对于根节点,替换设置为新根;对于非根节点,替换被分配到原始 parent
这个二叉搜索树实现的完整源代码可以在我的GitHub 中找到。对于替代实现,你还可以查看 Isaac Schlueter 的 GitHub fork。