Build jar
first get source code
git clone
get jar package
$ mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true
You can get a jar with dependencies, and you can use it in your project.
Test cases
Need 3 Parameters:
Private Keys Array
Template Object
After call build transaction api return a Template json object. build transaction api
use bytom java sdk return a Template object.
Raw Transaction
call decode raw-transaction api from dev branch. decode raw-transaction api
Call method:
// return a Template object signed offline basically. Template result = signatures.generateSignatures(privates, template, rawTransaction); // use result's raw_transaction call sign transaction api to build another data but not need password or private key.
Single-key Example:
@Test // 使用 SDK 来构造 Template 对象参数, 单签 public void testSignSingleKey() throws BytomException { Client client = Client.generateClient(); String asset_id = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; String address = "sm1qvyus3s5d7jv782syuqe3qrh75fx23lgpzf33em"; // build transaction obtain a Template object Template template = new Transaction.Builder() .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G0NLBNU00A02") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(40000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G0NLBNU00A02") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(300000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.ControlWithAddress() .setAddress(address) .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(30000000) ).build(client);"template: " + template.toJson()); // use Template object's raw_transaction id to decode raw_transaction obtain a RawTransaction object RawTransaction decodedTx = RawTransaction.decode(client, template.rawTransaction);"decodeTx: " + decodedTx.toJson()); // need a private key array String[] privateKeys = new String[]{"10fdbc41a4d3b8e5a0f50dd3905c1660e7476d4db3dbd9454fa4347500a633531c487e8174ffc0cfa76c3be6833111a9b8cd94446e37a76ee18bb21a7d6ea66b"};"private key:" + privateKeys[0]); // call offline sign method to obtain a basic offline signed template Signatures signatures = new SignaturesImpl(); Template basicSigned = signatures.generateSignatures(privateKeys, template, decodedTx);"basic signed raw: " + basicSigned.toJson()); // call sign transaction api to calculate whole raw_transaction id // sign password is None or another random String Template result = new Transaction.SignerBuilder().sign(client, basicSigned, "");"result raw_transaction: " + result.toJson()); // success to submit transaction }
Multi-keys Example:
Need an account has two or more keys.
@Test // 使用 SDK 来构造 Template 对象参数, 多签 public void testSignMultiKeys() throws BytomException { Client client = Client.generateClient(); String asset_id = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; String address = "sm1qvyus3s5d7jv782syuqe3qrh75fx23lgpzf33em"; // build transaction obtain a Template object // account 0G1RPP6OG0A06 has two keys Template template = new Transaction.Builder() .setTtl(10) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1RPP6OG0A06") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(40000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1RPP6OG0A06") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(300000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.ControlWithAddress() .setAddress(address) .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(30000000) ).build(client);"template: " + template.toJson()); // use Template object's raw_transaction id to decode raw_transaction obtain a RawTransaction object RawTransaction decodedTx = RawTransaction.decode(client, template.rawTransaction);"decodeTx: " + decodedTx.toJson()); // need a private key array String[] privateKeys = new String[]{"08bdbd6c22856c5747c930f64d0e5d58ded17c4473910c6c0c3f94e485833a436247976253c8e29e961041ad8dfad9309744255364323163837cbef2483b4f67", "40c821f736f60805ad59b1fea158762fa6355e258601dfb49dda6f672092ae5adf072d5cab2ceaaa0d68dd3fe7fa04869d95afed8c20069f446a338576901e1b"};"private key 1:" + privateKeys[0]);"private key 2:" + privateKeys[1]); // call offline sign method to obtain a basic offline signed template Signatures signatures = new SignaturesImpl(); Template basicSigned = signatures.generateSignatures(privateKeys, template, decodedTx);"basic signed raw: " + basicSigned.toJson()); // call sign transaction api to calculate whole raw_transaction id // sign password is None or another random String Template result = new Transaction.SignerBuilder().sign(client, basicSigned, "");"result raw_transaction: " + result.toJson()); // success to submit transaction }
Multi-keys and Multi-inputs Example:
@Test // 使用 SDK 来构造 Template 对象参数, 多签, 多输入 public void testSignMultiKeysMultiInputs() throws BytomException { Client client = Client.generateClient(); String asset_id = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; String address = "sm1qvyus3s5d7jv782syuqe3qrh75fx23lgpzf33em"; // build transaction obtain a Template object Template template = new Transaction.Builder() .setTtl(10) // 1 input .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1RPP6OG0A06") // Multi-keys account .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(40000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1RPP6OG0A06") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(300000000) ) // 2 input .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1Q6V1P00A02") // Multi-keys account .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(40000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.SpendFromAccount() .setAccountId("0G1Q6V1P00A02") .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(300000000) ) .addAction( new Transaction.Action.ControlWithAddress() .setAddress(address) .setAssetId(asset_id) .setAmount(60000000) ).build(client);"template: " + template.toJson()); // use Template object's raw_transaction id to decode raw_transaction obtain a RawTransaction object RawTransaction decodedTx = RawTransaction.decode(client, template.rawTransaction);"decodeTx: " + decodedTx.toJson()); // need a private key array String[] privateKeys = new String[]{"08bdbd6c22856c5747c930f64d0e5d58ded17c4473910c6c0c3f94e485833a436247976253c8e29e961041ad8dfad9309744255364323163837cbef2483b4f67", "40c821f736f60805ad59b1fea158762fa6355e258601dfb49dda6f672092ae5adf072d5cab2ceaaa0d68dd3fe7fa04869d95afed8c20069f446a338576901e1b", "08bdbd6c22856c5747c930f64d0e5d58ded17c4473910c6c0c3f94e485833a436247976253c8e29e961041ad8dfad9309744255364323163837cbef2483b4f67"};"private key 1:" + privateKeys[0]);"private key 2:" + privateKeys[1]); // call offline sign method to obtain a basic offline signed template Signatures signatures = new SignaturesImpl(); Template basicSigned = signatures.generateSignatures(privateKeys, template, decodedTx);"basic signed raw: " + basicSigned.toJson()); // call sign transaction api to calculate whole raw_transaction id // sign password is None or another random String Template result = new Transaction.SignerBuilder().sign(client, basicSigned, "");"result raw_transaction: " + result.toJson()); // success to submit transaction }