小编给大家分享一下ruh 在Linux上识别同样内容的文件,希望大家阅读完这篇文章之后都有所收获,下面让我们一起去探讨吧!
用 diff 命令比较文件
可能比较两个文件最简单的方法是使用 diff 命令。输出会显示你文件的不同之处。 < 和 > 符号代表在当参数传过来的第一个( < )或第二个( > )文件中是否有额外的文字行。在这个例子中,在 backup.html 中有额外的文字行。
$ diff index.html backup.html 2438a2439,2441 >> That's all there is to report. >
如果 diff 没有输出那代表两个文件相同。
$ diff home.html index.html $
diff 的唯一缺点是它一次只能比较两个文件并且你必须指定用来比较的文件,这篇帖子中的一些命令可以为你找到多个重复文件。
cksum (checksum) 命令计算文件的校验和。校验和是一种将文字内容转化成一个长数字(例如2819078353 228029)的数学简化。虽然校验和并不是完全独有的,但是文件内容不同校验和却相同的概率微乎其微。
$ cksum *.html 2819078353 228029 backup.html 4073570409 227985 home.html 4073570409 227985 index.html
使用 find 命令
虽然 find 命令并没有寻找重复文件的选项,它依然可以被用来通过名字或类型寻找文件并运行 cksum 命令。例如:
$ find . -name "*.html" -exec cksum {} \; 4073570409 227985 ./home.html 2819078353 228029 ./backup.html 4073570409 227985 ./index.html
使用 fslint 命令
fslint 命令可以被特地用来寻找重复文件。注意我们给了它一个起始位置。如果它需要遍历相当多的文件,这就需要花点时间来完成。注意它是如何列出重复文件并寻找其它问题的,比如空目录和坏 ID。
$ fslint . -----------------------------------file name lint -------------------------------Invalid utf8 names -----------------------------------file case lint ----------------------------------DUPlicate files <== home.html index.html -----------------------------------Dangling links --------------------redundant characters in links ------------------------------------suspect links --------------------------------Empty Directories ./.gnupg ----------------------------------Temporary Files ----------------------duplicate/conflicting Names ------------------------------------------Bad ids -------------------------Non Stripped executables
你可能需要在你的系统上安装 fslint 。你可能也需要将它加入你的命令搜索路径:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/fslint/fslint
使用 rdfind 命令
rdfind 命令也会寻找重复(相同内容的)文件。它的名字意即“重复数据搜寻”,并且它能够基于文件日期判断哪个文件是原件——这在你选择删除副本时很有用因为它会移除较新的文件。
$ rdfind ~ Now scanning "/home/shark", found 12 files. Now have 12 files in total. Removed 1 files due to nonunique device and inode. Total size is 699498 bytes or 683 KiB Removed 9 files due to unique sizes from list.2 files left. Now eliminating candidates based on first bytes:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. Now eliminating candidates based on last bytes:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. Now eliminating candidates based on sha1 checksum:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. It seems like you have 2 files that are not unique Totally, 223 KiB can be reduced. Now making results file results.txt
你可以在 dryrun 模式中运行这个命令 (换句话说,仅仅汇报可能会另外被做出的改动)。
$ rdfind -dryrun true ~ (DRYRUN MODE) Now scanning "/home/shark", found 12 files. (DRYRUN MODE) Now have 12 files in total. (DRYRUN MODE) Removed 1 files due to nonunique device and inode. (DRYRUN MODE) Total size is 699352 bytes or 683 KiB Removed 9 files due to unique sizes from list.2 files left. (DRYRUN MODE) Now eliminating candidates based on first bytes:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. (DRYRUN MODE) Now eliminating candidates based on last bytes:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. (DRYRUN MODE) Now eliminating candidates based on sha1 checksum:removed 0 files from list.2 files left. (DRYRUN MODE) It seems like you have 2 files that are not unique (DRYRUN MODE) Totally, 223 KiB can be reduced. (DRYRUN MODE) Now making results file results.txt
rdfind 命令同样提供了类似忽略空文档( -ignoreempty )和跟踪符号链接( -followsymlinks )的功能。查看 man 页面获取解释。
-ignoreempty ignore empty files -minsize ignore files smaller than speficied size -followsymlinks follow symbolic links -removeidentinode remove files referring to identical inode -checksum identify checksum type to be used -deterministic determiness how to sort files -makesymlinks turn duplicate files into symbolic links -makehardlinks replace duplicate files with hard links -makeresultsfile create a results file in the current directory -outputname provide name for results file -deleteduplicates delete/unlink duplicate files -sleep set sleep time between reading files (milliseconds) -n, -dryrun display what would have been done, but don't do it
注意 rdfind 命令提供了 -deleteduplicates true 的设置选项以删除副本。希望这个命令语法上的小问题不会惹恼你。;-)
$ rdfind -deleteduplicates true . ... Deleted 1 files. <==
你将可能需要在你的系统上安装 rdfind 命令。试验它以熟悉如何使用它可能是一个好主意。
使用 fdupes 命令
fdupes 命令同样使得识别重复文件变得简单。它同时提供了大量有用的选项——例如用来迭代的 -r 。在这个例子中,它像这样将重复文件分组到一起:
$ fdupes ~ /home/shs/UPGRADE /home/shs/mytwin /home/shs/lp.txt /home/shs/ /home/shs/penguin.png /home/shs/penguin0.png /home/shs/hideme.png
这是使用迭代的一个例子,注意许多重复文件是重要的(用户的 .bashrc 和 .profile 文件)并且不应被删除。
# fdupes -r /home /home/shark/home.html /home/shark/index.html /home/dory/.bashrc /home/eel/.bashrc /home/nemo/.profile /home/dory/.profile /home/shark/.profile /home/nemo/tryme /home/shs/tryme /home/shs/arrow.png /home/shs/PNGs/arrow.png /home/shs/11/ /home/shs/ERIC/ /home/shs/penguin0.jpg /home/shs/PNGs/penguin.jpg /home/shs/PNGs/penguin0.jpg /home/shs/Sandra_rotated.png /home/shs/PNGs/Sandra_rotated.png
fdupe 命令的许多选项列如下。使用 fdupes -h 命令或者阅读 man 页面获取详情。
-r --recurse recurse -R --recurse: recurse through specified directories -s --symlinks follow symlinked directories -H --hardlinks treat hard links as duplicates -n --noempty ignore empty files -f --omitfirst omit the first file in each set of matches -A --nohidden ignore hidden files -1 --sameline list matches on a single line -S --size show size of duplicate files -m --summarize summarize duplicate files information -q --quiet hide progress indicator -d --delete prompt user for files to preserve -N --noprompt when used with --delete, preserve the first file in set -I --immediate delete duplicates as they are encountered -p --permissions don't soncider files with different owner/group or permission bits as duplicates -o --order=WORD order files according to specification -i --reverse reverse order while sorting -v --version display fdupes version -h --help displays help
fdupes 命令是另一个你可能需要安装并使用一段时间才能熟悉其众多选项的命令。
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