关于二叉树的实现与遍历,网上已经有很多文章了,包括C, C++以及JAVA等。鉴于python做为脚本语言的简洁性,这里写一篇小文章用python实现二叉树,帮助一些对数据结构不太熟悉的人快速了解下二叉树。本文主要通过python以非递归形式实现二叉树构造、前序遍历,中序遍历,后序遍历,层次遍历以及求二叉树的深度及叶子结点数。其他非递归形式的遍历,想必大多人应该都很清楚,就不再声明。如果你用C或者C++或者其他高级语言写过二叉树或者阅读过相关方面代码,应该知道二叉树的非递归遍历避不开通过栈或者队列实现。是的,python也一样。但是python自带的list功能很强大,即可以当stack 又可以当成queue。 这样用python实现二叉树就可以减少了对栈或者队列的声明及定义。
如上图1的的二叉树,要想实现二叉树。首先应该先声明一个二叉树结点,包括它的元素及左右子结点,这个在C/C++也是一样的。在python里, 可以通过类声明一个结点,如下:
class BiNode(object): """class BiNode provide interface to set up a BiTree Node and to interact""" def __init__(self, element=None, left=None, right=None): """set up a node """ self.element = element self.left = left self.right = right def get_element(self): """return node.element""" return self.element def dict_form(self): """return node as dict form""" dict_set = { "element": self.element, "left": self.left, "right": self.right, } return dict_set def __str__(self): """when print a node , print it's element""" return str(self.element)
上述的dict_form interface是将结点以python字典的形式呈现出来,方便后面将树打包成字典。另外说明下由于python字典的特性,将字典当成一个树结构来处理也是可以的。事实上,很多人是这样做的。下图测试展现了树结点的实现:
class BiTree: """class BiTree provide interface to set up a BiTree and to interact""" def __init__(self, tree_node=None): """set up BiTree from BiNode and empty BiTree when nothing is passed""" self.root = tree_node`
判断根结点是否存在,如果不存在则插入根结点。否则从根结点开始,判断左子结点是否存在,如果不存在插入, 如果左子结点存在判断右结点,不存在插入。如果左右结点存在,再依次遍历左右子结点的子结点,直到插入成功。
上述的方法类似于层次遍历,体现了广度搜索优先的思想。因此从代码实现上,很显然需要一个队列对子结点进行入队与出队。在python上这很简单,一个list 就实现了,代码如下:
def add_node_in_order(self, element): """add a node to existent BiTree in order""" node = BiNode(element) if self.root is None: self.root = node else: node_queue = list() node_queue.append(self.root) while len(node_queue): q_node = node_queue.pop(0) if q_node.left is None: q_node.left = node break elif q_node.right is None: q_node.right = node break else: node_queue.append(q_node.left) node_queue.append(q_node.right) def set_up_in_order(self, elements_list): """set up BiTree from lists of elements in order """ for elements in elements_list: self.add_node_in_order(elements)
此时, 可以借住python的字典对树进行构造,参考的node的dict_form,约定”element”的key_value是结点值,“left”,“right”的key_value也是一个字典代表左右子树,如果为空则为None 。为方便书写,对于一个结点除了element不能缺外, 左右子树不存在时相应key可以缺失。同时对于叶结点,可以省略写成相应的元素值而不用继续构造一个字典。此时可以通过类似如下字典初始一棵二叉树表示,如下:
dict_tree = { "element": 0, "left": { "element": 1, "left": { "element": 3, "left": 6, "right": 7, } }, "right": { "element": 2, "left": 4, "right": { "element": 5, "left": 8, "right": 9, }, }, }
def set_up_from_dict(self, dict_instance): """set up BiTree from a dict_form tree using level traverse, or call it copy """ if not isinstance(dict_instance, dict): return None else: dict_queue = list() node_queue = list() node = BiNode(dict_instance["element"]) self.root = node node_queue.append(node) dict_queue.append(dict_instance) while len(dict_queue): dict_in = dict_queue.pop(0) node = node_queue.pop(0) # in dict form, the leaf node might be irregular, like compressed to element type # Thus , all this case should be solved out respectively if isinstance(dict_in.get("left", None), (dict, int, float, str)): if isinstance(dict_in.get("left", None), dict): dict_queue.append(dict_in.get("left", None)) left_node = BiNode(dict_in.get("left", None)["element"]) node_queue.append(left_node) else: left_node = BiNode(dict_in.get("left", None)) node.left = left_node if isinstance(dict_in.get("right", None), (dict, int, float, str)): if isinstance(dict_in.get("right", None), dict): dict_queue.append(dict_in.get("right", None)) right_node = BiNode(dict_in.get("right", None)["element"]) node_queue.append(right_node) else: right_node = BiNode(dict_in.get("right", None)) node.right = right_node
往往我们也需要将一颗二叉树用字典的形式表示出来, 其方法与从字典初始化一棵二叉树一样,代码实现如下:
def pack_to_dict(self): """pack up BiTree to dict form using level traversal""" if self.root is None: return None else: node_queue = list() dict_queue = list() node_queue.append(self.root) dict_pack = self.root.dict_form() dict_queue.append(dict_pack) while len(node_queue): q_node = node_queue.pop(0) dict_get = dict_queue.pop(0) if q_node.left is not None: node_queue.append(q_node.left) dict_get["left"] = q_node.left.dict_form() dict_queue.append(dict_get["left"]) if q_node.right is not None: node_queue.append(q_node.right) dict_get["right"] = q_node.right.dict_form() dict_queue.append(dict_get["right"]) return dict_pack
1. 如果树为空,返回0 。
2. 从根结点开始,将根结点拉入列。
3. 当列非空,记当前队列元素数(上一层节点数)。将上层节点依次出队,如果左右结点存在,依次入队。直至上层节点出队完成,深度加一。继续第三步,直至队列完全为空。
def get_depth(self): """method of getting depth of BiTree""" if self.root is None: return 0 else: node_queue = list() node_queue.append(self.root) depth = 0 while len(node_queue): q_len = len(node_queue) while q_len: q_node = node_queue.pop(0) q_len = q_len - 1 if q_node.left is not None: node_queue.append(q_node.left) if q_node.right is not None: node_queue.append(q_node.right) depth = depth + 1 return depth
先说前序遍历, 方法如下:
1. 如果树为空,返回None 。
2. 从根结点开始,如果当前结点左子树存在,则打印结点,并将该结点入栈。让当前结点指向左子树,继续步骤2直至当前结点左子树不存在。
3. 将当结点打印出来,如果当前结点的右子树存在,当前结点指向右子树,继续步骤2。否则进行步骤4.
4. 如果栈为空则遍历结束。若非空,从栈里面pop一个节点,从当前结点指向该结点的右子树。如果右子树存在继续步骤2,不存在继续步骤4直至结束。
1.N0 ,N1依次打印,并且入栈。
2. 打印N3,
3. N3右子树不存在,N1出栈,遍历N1右子树N4
4. N4的左子树不存在,打印N4。N4右子树不存在,N0出栈,指向其右子树N2
5. N2的左子树不存在,打印N2,判断右子树及栈空结束
def pre_traversal(self): """method of traversing BiTree in pre-order""" if self.root is None: return None else: node_stack = list() output_list = list() node = self.root while node is not None or len(node_stack): # if node is None which means it comes from a leaf-node' right, # pop the stack and get it's right node. # continue the circulating like this if node is None: node = node_stack.pop().right continue # save the front node and go next when left node exists while node.left is not None: node_stack.append(node) output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.left output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.right return output_list
def in_traversal(self): """method of traversing BiTree in in-order""" if self.root is None: return None else: node_stack = list() output_list = list() node = self.root while node is not None or len(node_stack): # if node is None which means it comes from a leaf-node' right, # pop the stack and get it's right node. # continue the circulating like this if node is None: node = node_stack.pop() # in in-order traversal, when pop up a node from stack , save it output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.right continue # go-next when left node exists while node.left is not None: node_stack.append(node) node = node.left # save the the last left node output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.right return output_list
先说第一种,同中序遍历,只是中序时从栈中pop出一个结点打印,并访问当前结点的右子树。 后序必须在访问完右子树完在,在打印该结点。因此可先
def post_traversal1(self): """method of traversing BiTree in in-order""" if self.root is None: return None else: node_stack = list() output_list = list() node = self.root while node is not None or len(node_stack): # if node is None which means it comes from a leaf-node' right, # pop the stack and get it's right node. # continue the circulating like this if node is None: visited = node_stack[-1]["visited"] # in in-order traversal, when pop up a node from stack , save it if visited: output_list.append(node_stack[-1]["node"].get_element()) node_stack.pop(-1) else: node_stack[-1]["visited"] = True node = node_stack[-1]["node"] node = node.right continue # go-next when left node exists while node.left is not None: node_stack.append({"node": node, "visited": False}) node = node.left # save the the last left node output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.right return output_list
另外,后续遍历还有一种访问方式。考虑到后续遍历是先左子树,再右子树再到父结点, 倒过来看就是先父结点, 再右子树再左子树。 是不是很熟悉, 是的这种遍历方式就是前序遍历的镜像试,除了改变左右子树访问顺序连方式都没变。 再将输出的结果倒序输出一遍就是后序遍历。 同样该方法也需要额外的空间存取输出结果。python代码如下:
def post_traversal2(self): """method of traversing BiTree in post-order""" if self.root is None: return None else: node_stack = list() output_list = list() node = self.root while node is not None or len(node_stack): # if node is None which means it comes from a leaf-node' left, # pop the stack and get it's left node. # continue the circulating like this if node is None: node = node_stack.pop().left continue while node.right is not None: node_stack.append(node) output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.right output_list.append(node.get_element()) node = node.left return output_list[::-1]
另外一种方法是,用深度搜索优先。 采用前序遍历,当判断到一个结点不存在左右子树时叶子结点数加一。代码实现如下:
def get_leaf_num(self): """method of getting leaf numbers of BiTree""" if self.root is None: return 0 else: node_stack = list() node = self.root leaf_numbers = 0 # only node exists and stack is not empty that will do this circulation while node is not None or len(node_stack): if node is None: """node is None then pop the stack and get the node.right""" node = node_stack.pop().right continue while node.left is not None: node_stack.append(node) node = node.left # if there is not node.right, leaf_number add 1 node = node.right if node is None: leaf_numbers += 1 return leaf_numbers
到此, 除了树的结点删除(这个可以留给读者去尝试), 这里已经基本完成二叉树的构造及遍历接口。 但你可能真正在意的是如何绘制一颗二叉树。 接下来,本节将会通过python matplotlib.annotate绘制一颗二叉树。
要绘制一棵二叉树,首先需要对树中的任意结点给出相应相对坐标(axis_max: 1)。对于一棵已知树, 已知深度 dd ,那么可以设初始根结点坐标为(1/2,1−12d)(1/2,1−12d). (这个设置只是为了让根结点尽量中间往上且不触及axis)
假设已经知道父结点的坐标(xp,yp)(xp,yp), 当前层数ll(记根节点为第0层),则从上往下画其左右子树的坐标表达如下:
def get_coord(coord_prt, depth_le, depth, child_type="left"): if child_type == "left": x_child = coord_prt[0] - 1 / (2 ** (depth_le + 1)) elif child_type == "right": x_child = coord_prt[0] + 1 / (2 ** (depth_le + 1)) else: raise Exception("No other child type") y_child = coord_prt[1] - 1 / depth return x_child, y_child
def plot_node(ax, node_text, center_point, parent_point): ax.annotate(node_text, xy=parent_point, xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=center_point, textcoords='axes fraction', va="bottom", ha="center", bbox=NODE_STYLE, arrowprops=ARROW_ARGS)
已知树深度, 当前结点及当前结点所在层数,则可以通过上述计算方式计算左右子树的结点坐标。 使用层次遍历,即可遍历绘制整棵树。代码实现如下:
def view_in_graph(self): """use matplotlib.pypplot to help view the BiTree """ if self.root is None: print("An Empty Tree, Nothing to plot") else: depth = self.get_depth() ax = node_plot.draw_init() coord0 = (1/2, 1 - 1/(2*depth)) node_queue = list() coord_queue = list() node_plot.plot_node(ax, str(self.root.get_element()), coord0, coord0) node_queue.append(self.root) coord_queue.append(coord0) cur_level = 0 while len(node_queue): q_len = len(node_queue) while q_len: q_node = node_queue.pop(0) coord_prt = coord_queue.pop(0) q_len = q_len - 1 if q_node.left is not None: xc, yc = node_plot.get_coord(coord_prt, cur_level + 1, depth, "left") element = str(q_node.left.get_element()) node_plot.plot_node(ax, element, (xc, yc), coord_prt) node_queue.append(q_node.left) coord_queue.append((xc, yc)) if q_node.right is not None: xc, yc = node_plot.get_coord(coord_prt, cur_level + 1, depth, "right") element = str(q_node.right.get_element()) node_plot.plot_node(ax, element, (xc, yc), coord_prt) node_queue.append(q_node.right) coord_queue.append((xc, yc)) cur_level += 1 node_plot.show()
最后, 可以对如下的一颗二叉树进行测试:
dict_tree2 = { "element": 0, "left": { "element": 1, "left": 3, "right": { "element": 4, "left": 5, "right": 6, }, }, "right": { "element": 2, "left": 7, "right": { "element": 8, "left": { "element": 9, "left": 10, "right": 11, }, }, }, }
遍历及深度叶子数 ,输出结果如下: