java怎么打开文件代码 怎么打开java文件


java读取文本文件的方法有很多 这个例子主要介绍最简单 最常用的BufferedReader类 完整例子如下 package net chinaunix blog hzm text;import java io BufferedReader;import java io FileReader;import java io IOException;public class ReadFile {private String path;public ReadFile(String filePath){path = filePath;}public String[] openFile() throws IOException{FileReader fr = new FileReader(path) BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(fr) String[] textData = new String[readLines()];int i;for(i= ; i readLines() i++){textData[i] = textReader readLine() }textReader close() return textData;}int readLines() throws IOException{FileReader fileToRead = new FileReader(path) BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(fileToRead) int numberOfLines = ;@SuppressWarnings( unused )String oneLine;while((oneLine = bf readLine()) != null){numberOfLines++;}bf close() return numberOfLines;}}package net chinaunix blog hzm text;import java io IOException;public class FileData {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{String filePath = C:/text txt ;try{ReadFile reader = new ReadFile(filePath) String[] content = reader openFile() int i;for(i= ;icontent length;i++){System out println(content[i]) }}catch(IOException e){System out println( 异常信息 + e getMessage()) }}}java io BufferedReaderThe buffer size may be specified or the default size may be used The default is large enough for most purposes In general each read request made of a Reader causes a corresponding read request to be made of the underlying character or byte stream It is therefore advisable to wrap a BufferedReader around any Reader whose read() operations may be costly such as FileReaders and InputStreamReaders For example BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( foo in )) will buffer the input from the specified file Without buffering each invocation of read() or readLine() could cause bytes to be read from the file converted into characters and then returned which can be very inefficient Programs that use DataInputStreams for textual input can be localized by replacing each DataInputStream with an appropriate BufferedReader java io FileReaderFileReader is meant for reading streams of characters For reading streams of raw bytes consider using a FileInputStream lishixinzhi/Article/program/Java/hx/201311/26249

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win + R,输入cmd,然后输入java和javac,确保java已经成功安装。

找到编写好的文件位置,用cd 命令进入




Java是一门面向对象编程语言,不仅吸收了C++语言的各种优点,还摒弃了C++里难以理解的多继承、指针等概念,因此Java语言具有功能强大和简单易用两个特征。Java语言作为静态面向对象编程语言的代表,极好地实现了面向对象理论,允许程序员以优雅的思维方式进行复杂的编程  。

Java具有简单性、面向对象、分布式、健壮性、安全性、平台独立与可移植性、多线程、动态性等特点 。Java可以编写桌面应用程序、Web应用程序、分布式系统和嵌入式系统应用程序等  。





如果java文件是一个eclipse工程(根目录带有.project文件),用file/import/general/exist java project/(大概是)然后找到你的目录。

否则需要自己新建一个工程file/new/java project



当前标题:java怎么打开文件代码 怎么打开java文件