VBA 从天涯论坛的帖子中提取正文
Sub 天涯贴子简单抓取() Dim cnt As Integer arr = Array("评论", "举报", "楼主", "作者", "草稿", "热贴", "论坛", "注册", "广告", "推荐") '屏蔽词汇 For y = 1 To 2 Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") With ie .Navigate "http://bbs.tianya.cn/post-free-5758447-" & y & ".shtml" '5758447-1.shtml ,5758447-2.shtml等 ' .Visible = True Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4 DoEvents Loop For x = 0 To .Document.All.tags("div").Length - 1 '正文是在div中,div集合长度 ss = .Document.All.tags("div")(x).innertext '正文内容 len_ss = Len(ss) '正文长度 If len_ss < 100 Then '正文长度太短,直接跳到下一个div GoTo 100 Else For Each keys In arr If InStr(ss, keys) > 0 Then GoTo 100 '如有屏蔽的词语出现,直接跳到下一个div Next cnt = cnt + 1 Debug.Print cnt & ":" & .Document.All.tags("div")(x).innertext '输出合乎要求的div End If 100 Next x End With Next y ie.Quit Set ie = Nothing End Sub