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MySQL 5.6.21下载安装之下载篇(一) :
MySQL 5.6.21下载安装之安装篇(二):
1 准备环境
1.1 在数据库中创建测试表test1
[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# mysql -p
Enter password:
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Server version: 5.6.21-enterprise-commercial-advanced MySQL Enterprise Server - Advanced Edition (Commercial)
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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| db1 |
| db4 |
| lhr_test |
| mysql |
| opensource |
| opesource |
| performance_schema |
| test |
| wyzc |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use lhr_test;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> create table test1(
-> id int,
-> num int,
-> pass varchar(50)
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> desc test1;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| num | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| pass | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table test2(
-> id int,
-> num int,
-> pass varchar(50),
-> index idIdx (id)
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.24 sec)
mysql> create table test3(
-> id int,
-> num int,
-> pass varchar(50)
-> );
reset query cache;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
1.2 在系统提示符下执行如下语句创建100万行数据
在操作系统执行命令,生成100W条数据,其中-plhr中的lhr为mysql的密码,lhr_test为数据库名,该命令为一整条命令:for ((i=1;i<=1000000;i++));do `mysql -plhr lhr_test -e "insert into test1 values($i,floor($i+rand()*$i),md5($i));"`; done > /tmp/mysql.txt 2>&1
2 简单测试索引性能
2.1 在有索引和没有索引的情况下执行查询
mysql>select * from test1 limit 10;
| id | num | pass |
| 1 | 1 | c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b |
| 2 | 3 | c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c |
| 3 | 4 | eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 |
| 4 | 5 | a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c |
| 5 | 5 | e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5 |
| 6 | 6 | 1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc |
| 7 | 10 | 8f14e45fceea167a5a36dedd4bea2543 |
| 8 | 12 | c9f0f895fb98ab9159f51fd0297e236d |
| 9 | 12 | 45c48cce2e2d7fbdea1afc51c7c6ad26 |
| 10 | 12 | d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql>reset query cache; ---清空缓存
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)
mysql> select num,pass from test1 where id>=50000 and id<50050;
| num | pass |
| 66755 | 1017bfd4673955ffee4641ad3d481b1c |
| 70239 | 334146de1b9346272cb013adf1a35aea |
| 93704 | f67fe69d3660b4d35a731817b538b21d |
| 90594 | 0cce9d48eb96fdf93fbae8640d547b8e |
| 94673 | 171ab172efb24344684eca5b04abffca |
| 51476 | e7beb1dcf073b1d1e700fb02eccaf064 |
| 78604 | 2432fc2efe99899b0ecff8ade0211e7d |
| 62059 | 1cc41f4ab8528178818a29b9ef5fabbb |
| 94777 | 79c3489e2392afd26733d285dee3abd0 |
| 71807 | f0547ecd4e64a31e247c34b64547f812 |
| 62106 | 3e53ae683f8e8c84221db763b30fe907 |
| 74578 | fbbbadb6d1a15c0c924c73b0b0a4b7cb |
| 91069 | 9ba86c2987b9321a45b4dbf1eff6bb4a |
| 71692 | 8ec41a3e649625a55ceafc35f6fa45e8 |
| 72179 | 87b0cba64000c51c883f57274c04519c |
| 96570 | f7c3c4088dfe80933e84ca084fa3524a |
| 70295 | 5a5a84625f44b7e7345b4ea6fde06627 |
| 68758 | 85dbdb1cbb78b9be83ccedd468732e0a |
| 77853 | 16d37a42180158171d57e1cc8122b415 |
| 81193 | c3a8217c9d3a5d9c5e76a77d8f4a8fde |
| 71512 | 4e2598d3fa41ae72d1927b81328dbd51 |
| 87838 | 81b993dae9d5735b0714c325c526aee5 |
| 51719 | d3d2a1a264feb84bd8ba9d0557aafca8 |
| 88469 | d5e390212ea61535b492b740102df78a |
| 92232 | cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc |
| 67030 | a4eacdf08e8fda83c7784c8fd21f7811 |
| 93650 | 9a84af5408986faab11f648a07867d84 |
| 70810 | 31bd7cc9213175d709fcfa2eeb4b202a |
| 77757 | 2d084a4acd512e6314d6e8ae111b8205 |
| 66555 | 2a12b41adeedc754b55ec468d1a41d09 |
| 77727 | 33702a9c691c0f5aaac103d7dd1952eb |
| 92189 | d081111dbdee3c687d1439b444d64004 |
| 90372 | dfdc9e0c03a33349408e99f28d07f899 |
| 91206 | 0610027c7b4268080e7c1c5f04af05a7 |
| 77903 | cb07accc409bbb4c0adc6afb26cf351b |
| 55402 | a1f3a4e959c66a4dd4f330f13ff4d808 |
| 75258 | 9f75e281cbe6072bd91a286e64fb6f0d |
| 88422 | 9bf3f8e2f454487987a4888544f9e1be |
| 76166 | 664a26f366b9ef4988631e95af9b366d |
| 87260 | f19ea2ad04c46f33134d405510650a60 |
| 73856 | 3b4421d0ab0e43c65932c51fb58f593f |
| 89850 | ca355f31b8e517abc70bf477ca77f4ce |
| 84650 | afa8024de2c03966e71d6f94a93b6b93 |
| 63982 | ce9e053a63f6a8aed199bed09f1e498e |
| 92551 | 3cf419e05d85881157b758a01c6ef399 |
| 80764 | af7994b458c40e4a18ec60f5e622e522 |
| 50054 | c3beb22d8bb8a4b874fd7bb8a8914643 |
| 72336 | 5f9f76d679371d223deeda050bdc9d85 |
| 85120 | 218171bd4087237acdcc6d3846b9cda5 |
| 85468 | d38aad5d5676be87eaf6ade964caff4f |
50 rows in set (0.15 sec)
mysql> insert into test2 select * from test1;
Query OK, 225494 rows affected(2.53 sec)
Records: 225494 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> reset query cache;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>explain select num,pass from test2 where id>=50000 and id<50050;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | test2 |range | idIdx | idIdx | 5 | NULL | 49 | Using index condition |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> explain select num,pass from test1 where id>=50000 and id<50050;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | test1 |ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 226851 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> reset query cache;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select num,pass from test2 where id>=50000 and id<50050;
| num | pass |
| 66755 | 1017bfd4673955ffee4641ad3d481b1c |
| 70239 | 334146de1b9346272cb013adf1a35aea |
| 93704 | f67fe69d3660b4d35a731817b538b21d |
| 90594 | 0cce9d48eb96fdf93fbae8640d547b8e |
| 94673 | 171ab172efb24344684eca5b04abffca |
| 51476 | e7beb1dcf073b1d1e700fb02eccaf064 |
| 78604 | 2432fc2efe99899b0ecff8ade0211e7d |
| 62059 | 1cc41f4ab8528178818a29b9ef5fabbb |
| 94777 | 79c3489e2392afd26733d285dee3abd0 |
| 71807 | f0547ecd4e64a31e247c34b64547f812 |
| 62106 | 3e53ae683f8e8c84221db763b30fe907 |
| 74578 | fbbbadb6d1a15c0c924c73b0b0a4b7cb |
| 91069 | 9ba86c2987b9321a45b4dbf1eff6bb4a |
| 71692 | 8ec41a3e649625a55ceafc35f6fa45e8 |
| 72179 | 87b0cba64000c51c883f57274c04519c |
| 96570 | f7c3c4088dfe80933e84ca084fa3524a |
| 70295 | 5a5a84625f44b7e7345b4ea6fde06627 |
| 68758 | 85dbdb1cbb78b9be83ccedd468732e0a |
| 77853 | 16d37a42180158171d57e1cc8122b415 |
| 81193 | c3a8217c9d3a5d9c5e76a77d8f4a8fde |
| 71512 | 4e2598d3fa41ae72d1927b81328dbd51 |
| 87838 | 81b993dae9d5735b0714c325c526aee5 |
| 51719 | d3d2a1a264feb84bd8ba9d0557aafca8 |
| 88469 | d5e390212ea61535b492b740102df78a |
| 92232 | cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc |
| 67030 | a4eacdf08e8fda83c7784c8fd21f7811 |
| 93650 | 9a84af5408986faab11f648a07867d84 |
| 70810 | 31bd7cc9213175d709fcfa2eeb4b202a |
| 77757 | 2d084a4acd512e6314d6e8ae111b8205 |
| 66555 | 2a12b41adeedc754b55ec468d1a41d09 |
| 77727 | 33702a9c691c0f5aaac103d7dd1952eb |
| 92189 | d081111dbdee3c687d1439b444d64004 |
| 90372 | dfdc9e0c03a33349408e99f28d07f899 |
| 91206 | 0610027c7b4268080e7c1c5f04af05a7 |
| 77903 | cb07accc409bbb4c0adc6afb26cf351b |
| 55402 | a1f3a4e959c66a4dd4f330f13ff4d808 |
| 75258 | 9f75e281cbe6072bd91a286e64fb6f0d |
| 88422 | 9bf3f8e2f454487987a4888544f9e1be |
| 76166 | 664a26f366b9ef4988631e95af9b366d |
| 87260 | f19ea2ad04c46f33134d405510650a60 |
| 73856 | 3b4421d0ab0e43c65932c51fb58f593f |
| 89850 | ca355f31b8e517abc70bf477ca77f4ce |
| 84650 | afa8024de2c03966e71d6f94a93b6b93 |
| 63982 | ce9e053a63f6a8aed199bed09f1e498e |
| 92551 | 3cf419e05d85881157b758a01c6ef399 |
| 80764 | af7994b458c40e4a18ec60f5e622e522 |
| 50054 | c3beb22d8bb8a4b874fd7bb8a8914643 |
| 72336 | 5f9f76d679371d223deeda050bdc9d85 |
| 85120 | 218171bd4087237acdcc6d3846b9cda5 |
| 85468 | d38aad5d5676be87eaf6ade964caff4f |
50 rowsin set (0.00 sec)
2.2 在有索引和没有索引的情况下新增数据
mysql> reset query cache;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into test3 select * from test1;
Query OK, 225494 rows affected(1.67 sec)
Records: 225494 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
3 总结
表名 | 表属性 | 查询(单位:秒) | 插入(单位:秒) |
test1 | 无索引 | 0.15 |
test2 | 有索引 | 0.00 | 2.53 |
test3 | 无索引 |
| 1.67 |
结论:通常情况下,有索引的情况下查询比较快,插入比较慢,所以在大批量的数据导入操作中应该首先删除索引,待数据导入完成后再建立索引,由于深入学习过oracle,感觉在这里说这些似乎是废话,但认真做实验是一种态度,本blog中总有一些你不知道的,o(∩_∩)o 哈哈。
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