下面从源码角度来看cogroup 的join实现
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object JoinDemo { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getCanonicalName.init).setMaster("local[*]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) sc.setLogLevel("WARN") val random = scala.util.Random val col1 = Range(1, 50).map(idx => (random.nextInt(10), s"user$idx")) val col2 = Array((0, "BJ"), (1, "SH"), (2, "GZ"), (3, "SZ"), (4, "TJ"), (5, "CQ"), (6, "HZ"), (7, "NJ"), (8, "WH"), (0, "CD")) val rdd1: RDD[(Int, String)] = sc.makeRDD(col1) val rdd2: RDD[(Int, String)] = sc.makeRDD(col2) val rdd3: RDD[(Int, (String, String))] = rdd1.join(rdd2) println(rdd3.dependencies) val rdd4: RDD[(Int, (String, String))] = rdd1.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(3)).join(rdd2.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(3))) println(rdd4.dependencies) sc.stop() } }
关于stage划分和宽依赖窄依赖的关系,从2.1.3 如何区别宽依赖和窄依赖就知道stage与宽依赖对应,所以从rdd3和rdd4的stage的依赖图就可以区别宽依赖,可以看到join划分除了新的stage,所以rdd3的生成事宽依赖,另外rdd1.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(3)).join(rdd2.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(3)))
是另外的依赖图,所以可以看到partitionBy以后再没有划分新的 stage,所以是窄依赖。
先进去入口方法,其中withScope的做法可以理解为装饰器,为了在sparkUI中能展示更多的信息。所以把所有创建的RDD的方法都包裹起来,同时用RDDOperationScope 记录 RDD 的操作历史和关联,就能达成目标。
/** * Return an RDD containing all pairs of elements with matching keys in `this` and `other`. Each * pair of elements will be returned as a (k, (v1, v2)) tuple, where (k, v1) is in `this` and * (k, v2) is in `other`. Performs a hash join across the cluster. */ def join[W](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (V, W))] = self.withScope { join(other, defaultPartitioner(self, other)) }
def defaultPartitioner(rdd: RDD[_], others: RDD[_]*): Partitioner = { val rdds = (Seq(rdd) ++ others) // 判断有没有设置分区器partitioner val hasPartitioner = rdds.filter(_.partitioner.exists(_.numPartitions > 0)) //如果设置了partitioner,则取设置partitioner的最大分区数 val hasMaxPartitioner: Option[RDD[_]] = if (hasPartitioner.nonEmpty) { Some(hasPartitioner.maxBy(_.partitions.length)) } else { None } //判断是否设置了spark.default.parallelism,如果设置了则取spark.default.parallelism val defaultNumPartitions = if (rdd.context.conf.contains("spark.default.parallelism")) { rdd.context.defaultParallelism } else { rdds.map(_.partitions.length).max } // If the existing max partitioner is an eligible one, or its partitions number is larger // than the default number of partitions, use the existing partitioner. //主要判断传入rdd是否设置了默认的partitioner 以及设置的partitioner是否合法 //或者设置的partitioner分区数大于默认的分区数 //条件成立则取传入rdd最大的分区数,否则取默认的分区数 if (hasMaxPartitioner.nonEmpty && (isEligiblePartitioner(hasMaxPartitioner.get, rdds) || defaultNumPartitions < hasMaxPartitioner.get.getNumPartitions)) { hasMaxPartitioner.get.partitioner.get } else { new HashPartitioner(defaultNumPartitions) } } private def isEligiblePartitioner( hasMaxPartitioner: RDD[_], rdds: Seq[RDD[_]]): Boolean = { val maxPartitions = rdds.map(_.partitions.length).max log10(maxPartitions) - log10(hasMaxPartitioner.getNumPartitions) < 1 } }
再进入join的重载方法,里面有个new CoGroupedRDD[K](Seq(self, other), partitioner)
def join[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner): RDD[(K, (V, W))] = self.withScope { this.cogroup(other, partitioner).flatMapValues( pair => for (v <- pair._1.iterator; w <- pair._2.iterator) yield (v, w) ) } def cogroup[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner) : RDD[(K, (Iterable[V], Iterable[W]))] = self.withScope { if (partitioner.isInstanceOf[HashPartitioner] && keyClass.isArray) { throw new SparkException("HashPartitioner cannot partition array keys.") } //partitioner 通过对比得到的默认分区器,主要是分区器中的分区数 val cg = new CoGroupedRDD[K](Seq(self, other), partitioner) cg.mapValues { case Array(vs, w1s) => (vs.asInstanceOf[Iterable[V]], w1s.asInstanceOf[Iterable[W]]) } } /** * Return an RDD containing all pairs of elements with matching keys in `this` and `other`. Each * pair of elements will be returned as a (k, (v1, v2)) tuple, where (k, v1) is in `this` and * (k, v2) is in `other`. Performs a hash join across the cluster. */ def join[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], numPartitions: Int): RDD[(K, (V, W))] = self.withScope { join(other, new HashPartitioner(numPartitions)) }
override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = { rdds.map { rdd: RDD[_] => if (rdd.partitioner == Some(part)) { logDebug("Adding one-to-one dependency with " + rdd) new OneToOneDependency(rdd) } else { logDebug("Adding shuffle dependency with " + rdd) new ShuffleDependency[K, Any, CoGroupCombiner]( rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[_ <: Product2[K, _]]], part, serializer) } } }