vcpkg is an extremly useful C++ package manager. It works on Windows, Linux and MacOS but for this guide we’ll primarily focus on Windows.
First, download and bootstrap vcpkg following the instructions on the page.
Next install the dependencies required to build a fully functional osgearth
vcpkg install osg:x64-windows sqlite3:x64-windows protobuf:x64-windows poco:x64-windows
This will take awhile the first time you run it as this pulls down lots of dependencies, so go get a cup of coffee.
Once all the dependencies are built, you’ll need to actually build osgearth.
Get the source code
git clone
Create a directory for an out of source build
cd osgearth
mkdir build
cd build
Configure Cmake
vcpkg provides a Cmake toolchain file that helps osgEarth find all of it’s dependencies. You’ll need to specify a different build directory for Release and Debug and specify the build type using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. This is because some dependencies of osgEarth don’t pick up both debug and release versions without specifying the build type. This should be fixed in future cmake versions. This is for a release build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[vcpkg root]\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
Build and install osgEarth
You can build and install osgEarth on the command line using cmake or you can open up the Visual Studio solution and build it from there.
cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release
Setting up your runtime environment
You’ll need to make sure that the vcpkg dependencies and osgEarth are in your path. So do something like this
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\osg
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files\osgEarth\bin
Note: If you don’t want to build osgEarth yourself for your application, you can actually install it using vcpkg as well. Just use
vcpkg install osgearth:x64-windows