本篇内容主要讲解“IPFS add的使用方法是什么”,感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习“IPFS add的使用方法是什么”吧!
ipfs add
USAGE ipfs add... - Add a file or directory to ipfs. SYNOPSIS ipfs add [--recursive | -r] [--quiet | -q] [--quieter | -Q] [--silent] [--progress | -p] [--trickle | -t] [--only-hash | -n] [--wrap-with-directory | -w] [--hidden | -H] [--chunker= | -s] [--pin=false] [--raw-leaves] [--nocopy] [--fscache] [--cid-version= ] [--hash= ] [--] ... ARGUMENTS ... - The path to a file to be added to ipfs. OPTIONS -r, --recursive bool - Add directory paths recursively. Default: false. -q, --quiet bool - Write minimal output. -Q, --quieter bool - Write only final hash. --silent bool - Write no output. -p, --progress bool - Stream progress data. -t, --trickle bool - Use trickle-dag format for dag generation. -n, --only-hash bool - Only chunk and hash - do not write to disk. -w, --wrap-with-directory bool - Wrap files with a directory object. -H, --hidden bool - Include files that are hidden. Only takes effect on recursive add. -s, --chunker string - Chunking algorithm, size-[bytes] or rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max]. Default: size-262144. --pin bool - Pin this object when adding. Default: true. --raw-leaves bool - Use raw blocks for leaf nodes. (experimental). --nocopy bool - Add the file using filestore. Implies raw-leaves. (experimental). --fscache bool - Check the filestore for pre-existing blocks. (experimental). --cid-version int - CID version. Defaults to 0 unless an option that depends on CIDv1 is passed. (experimental). --hash string - Hash function to use. Implies CIDv1 if not sha2-256. (experimental). Default: sha2-256. DESCRIPTION Adds contents of to ipfs. Use -r to add directories. Note that directories are added recursively, to form the ipfs MerkleDAG. The wrap option, '-w', wraps the file (or files, if using the recursive option) in a directory. This directory contains only the files which have been added, and means that the file retains its filename. For example: > ipfs add example.jpg added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg > ipfs add example.jpg -w added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg added QmaG4FuMqEBnQNn3C8XJ5bpW8kLs7zq2ZXgHptJHbKDDVx You can now refer to the added file in a gateway, like so: /ipfs/QmaG4FuMqEBnQNn3C8XJ5bpW8kLs7zq2ZXgHptJHbKDDVx/example.jpg The chunker option, '-s', specifies the chunking strategy that dictates how to break files into blocks. Blocks with same content can be deduplicated. The default is a fixed block size of 256 * 1024 bytes, 'size-262144'. Alternatively, you can use the rabin chunker for content defined chunking by specifying rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max] (where min/avg/max refer to the resulting chunk sizes). Using other chunking strategies will produce different hashes for the same file. > ipfs add --chunker=size-2048 ipfs-logo.svg added QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87 ipfs-logo.svg > ipfs add --chunker=rabin-512-1024-2048 ipfs-logo.svg added Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh3RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn ipfs-logo.svg You can now check what blocks have been created by: > ipfs object links QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87 QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059 Qmf7ZQeSxq2fJVJbCmgTrLLVN9tDR9Wy5k75DxQKuz5Gyt 1195 > ipfs object links Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh3RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059 QmerURi9k4XzKCaaPbsK6BL5pMEjF7PGphjDvkkjDtsVf3 868 QmQB28iwSriSUSMqG2nXDTLtdPHgWb4rebBrU7Q1j4vxPv 338
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